After all, I suppose you’re a Telmarine too.’ ‘Am I?’ said the Doctor. ‘Well, you’re a man anyway,’ said Caspian. ‘Am I?’ repeated the Doctor in a deeper voice … ‘So you’ve guessed it in the end,’ said Doctor Cornelius. ‘Or guessed it nearly right. I’m not a pure Dwarf. I have human blood in me too. Many Dwarfs escaped in the great battles and lived on; shaving their beards, and wearing high-heeled shoes and pretending to be men … But never in all these years have we forgotten our own people and all the other happy creatures of Narnia, and the long-lost days of freedom.’ ‘I’m – I’m sorry, Doctor,’ said Caspian. ‘It wasn’t my fault, you know.’ Aslan said nothing. ‘You mean,’ said Lucy rather faintly, ‘that it would have turned out all right – somehow? But how? Please, Aslan! Am I not to know?’ ‘To know what would have happened, child?’ said Aslan. ‘No.