She rolled over and got out of bed to get a glass of water. They seriously needed to put less salt on that popcorn. She leaned on the bathroom doorway and took a sip of water. Her mate was thrashing a bit. He still had frequent dreams about Iraq, but she was hesitant to treat them. The sleeping med was working so well that they rarely woke him anymore. He usually stopped moaning and tossing after a while. It didn’t hurt that she usually slept like a brick. She put her glass on the bedside table and crawled back into bed. The next thing she knew, Diesel flipped on top her. He straddled her with his powerful legs, pinning her down. She figured she had woken him up and he was going to take her as a little punishment. It was two o’clock in the morning, but what the hell. It wasn’t until he grabbed her by the shoulders and started to shake her that she realized how wrong she was. She shoved at his powerful chest. “Dies. It’s Helen. Wake up, my male.” His eyes were open, but she could tell he was still asleep.