What do You think about Death In Autumn (1985)?
First Sentence: Dawn still hadn’t broken and the river water lapping the sides of the black rubber dinghy was of the same darkness as the sky except for a path of moving light coming from a lamp attached to the dinghy’s side.The body of a middle-aged, woman, wearing only jewelry and a fur coat, is found floating in the river. Marshal Salvatore Guarnaccia of the Carabinieri and Captain Maestrangelo must work together to find the identity of the woman and her killer.This book is not my favorite of the series. I do wish authors would avoid portents, but that is a particular irritant of mine. Because both Marshal and the Captain worked the case, I often found myself confused as to who was doing what, when. We get bits and pieces about Marshal, but not really a fully-developed picture. What we do get is intriguing. He is married, has a child, is allergic to sunlight, and a dogged investigator. One thing I did particularly like in this book was seeing his humanity and particular concern for all the young men in this story. The plot was interesting. It went places that were completely unexpected, particularly the ending, which was very different from the norm.Nabb’s sense of place is not as strong as some authors, but it is there and her love of Italy is apparent from her writing. There is a subtlety to her writing that I do enjoy. While this may not have been, what I’d consider to be, her best book, I enjoyed it and will continue on with the series.DEATH IN AUTUMN (Pol. Proc-Marshal Guarnaccia-Florence, Italy-Cont) - GNabb, Magdalen – 4th in seriesCharles scribner’s Sons, 1985, US Hardcover – ISBN: 0684183374