My lord, may I very briefly review the somewhat macabre sequence of events? JUDGE: (smiling) Briefly, Mr O’Connor? Very briefly? O’CONNOR: My lord, I really am very much obliged. Very briefly then, my client is accused of putting cyanide of potassium into Major Ecclestone’s meat. Major Ecclestone who laid the case against her has died and cyanide has been found in his body. There is a strong presumption – indeed an overwhelming probability – that cyanide was introduced into one of the capsules Major Ecclestone was in the habit of taking at stated intervals for a digestive disorder. He was seen to take one of these capsules immediately before his death. My lord, I shall, if permitted, call expert evidence to show that a capsule containing cyanide would only remain intact for an hour. After that, the poison would begin to seep through the container. Miss Freebody has not been left alone since the commencement of this trial. It is obvious, therefore, she cannot be held responsible for causing his death.