The creatures tore through the length and breadth of the ship, ripping limbs from bodies and crushing skulls with a single, shattering blow. Nothing humankind had yet faced in its eons of history had ever been so fast or so deadly. People barricaded themselves in their quarters, cowered beneath their bunks. It made no difference. The creatures burst through the metal plate walls like they were made of paper and left no one inside alive. The starship that had been the colonists’ home for over a century and a half was now transformed into a butchery. They had travelled here over many light years in order to flourish and multiply. The planet on which they had landed not one month ago had then seemed like a veritable New Eden. Now their survival was a lottery, the odds rapidly decreasing as the seconds passed and more and more of the vile, inhuman creatures poured through the hatches and the smashed in windows. Xen knew they had been riding their luck these past few days.