And a lot of soda. No diet crap. Regular Coke. Will someone deliver it all the way out here?" Collin's eyes turned to me from his chair across the room. "It's still too early. We worked through the night and nobody’s open yet." We'd worked all through the night and I still couldn't do the next thing he was trying to teach me. "I'll get you whatever you want, as soon as you get this. You have to at least pull the shadow into your hand." My tired body slumped upside down in a chair with my head hanging upside down. My feet dangled off the back. "I can't do it. It's too hard." I clawed at my hair, beyond feeling frustrated, and righted my body. The blood flowed away from my head making me woozy. I almost fell out of the chair, but didn’t. Collin smiled, leaning back into his seat. His dark hair fell across his eyes as he tried to hide his amusement. He liked my flaws for some reason. Clumsy wasn’t the new sexy, so I wasn’t sure what he was impressed with. Irritated, I shoved my hair out of my face.