This book was a whole lot of shit meshed into 200 pages. Honestly I just wanted something cute and it really started off that way, but then you know shit happens. I couldn't help feeling sad for Avery all the time and I over analyzed all the little things she did. Zac too! I keep looking at him like he was cracked glass or a kicked puppy. I even feel so bad for her brother Ian and Elliot. Even Hannah believe it or not. I just wasn't in the mood for deep emotional shit so that's why I think this book wasn't really for me. Don't get me wrong it was better than a lot of other contemporaries I've probably rated higher than this but for now this just wasn't what I was looking for. Al comienzo Avery me parecía una idiota, no me caía bien pero a medida que el libro avanzo comencé a entender porque era así y porque cometía todos esos errores. Supongo que también me sentí un poco identificada, sobre todo en eso de alejar a la gente así que entendí después que es lo que pasaba con ella. Zac es tan único y es increíble, creo que me enamore un poco de él. Y la relación de él con Avery se convirtió n algo muy lindo y el final fue hermoso así que me encanto.
Aww so cute and awww!!I love Zac though Avery is sortof annoying but I stil loved the book
It was a very sweet story about venturing outside your comfort zone. Enjoyed it a lot!
Es una historia muy tierna sobre cómo conocerse a uno mismo y superar tus miedos.
Muy linda historia.