He was happy to be back in the IMC ship, where he felt secure from the wide open spaces of this miserable planet. 'Tell the crew it's stand-easy,' he said to Morgan, 'and they can all have an issue of champagne, too.' He opened a can of champagne and offered it to Caldwell . 'Some other time,' said Caldwell . 'Take it,' said Dent. To him the can of champagne was a peace offering, to show Caldwell he was willing to forget their past disagreements. 'We're friends, aren't we?' his, as Dent knew it would, appealed to Caldwell 's basic good nature. He took the can, but he didn't drink straight away. 'Thanks.' Dent got out cans for himself and Morgan. 'Maybe we did have to play it rough,' he said to Caldwell . 'But the trouble's over now. Those colonists will find another planet, perhaps better than this one.' The radio loudspeaker crackled. ' This is the Adjudicator, ' said a almost inaudible voice. ' I have received an emergency call and must leave this planet immediately. I wish to meet Captain Dent and his officers in the colonists' dome straight away.
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