Dollenganger 06 My Sweet Audrina - Plot & Excerpts
Andrews @page { margin-bottom: 5.000000pt; margin-top: 5.000000pt; } My Sweet Audrina V. C. Andrews Copyright (c) 1983 ISBN: 0671729462 . Part 1 Whitefern . There was something strange about the house where I grew up. There were shadows in the corners and whispers on the stairs and time was as irrelevant as honesty. Though how I knew that I couldn't say. There was a war going on in our house, a silent war that sounded no guns, and the bodies that fell were only wishes that died and the bullets were only words and the blood that spilled was always called pride. Though I'd never been to school --and I was seven years old and it was high time I was in school-- it seemed I knew all about the Civil War. Around me the Civil War was still being waged, and though the future might stretch ahead for billions of years, it was still the war we'd never forget, for our pride had been injured, and our passions were lingering on. We'd lost the battle better won by the opposite side. Maybe that's why it still kept hurting.
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