This book was an absolute scream. With multiple laugh out loud moments and a plot, which almost any mother can identify (Happy Bunnies playgroup - say no more) I raced through the pages.I'm not going to reiterate what you can read on the blurb, but despite a cliche plot and the MCs personal situation coming across as a bit contrived--a young mum with no job, no money worries and the ability to still have a life--this story was very well observed, hysterically written and totally engaging.What shocked me most about reading this story was that initially I didn't care very much for the MC, I felt she was an over-privileged snob, who found a way to look down her nose at everyone around her. And yet, as the pages passed, I found myself laughing at her opinions, and even nodding along, thinking I would react exactly the same way. Can't believe I found such a fun book, unread, on the shelves of a local charity shop. If you get the chance to read this book, grab it! Good old fashioned mental polyfiller of the chick-lit variety.