From then until now, her investment of time, talent, and true concern is so enormous it brings tears to my eyes. Her involvement in my writing, as in my life, has made me better. Far better. For profound and enduring literary influence: Ernest Hemingway, Graham Greene, John Updike, Cormac McCarthy, James Lee Burke, and Ron Hansen. In particular, Mr. Hansen’s Mariette in Ecstasy, which I found transformative, revelatory, and inspiring. For my creative birthright: Judi Lister. For river experiences and knowledge: Sam Paul and John Guffy. Thanks for being such great tour guides. For being a man of the land and giving me rich and rewarding experiences with our amazing home: Mike Lister. For bringing us to this land: H.C. Lister. For invaluable information: Sam Paul, Shane Semmes, and the great books of Pineapple Press and the University of Florida Press. To the colorful and fascinating people of North Florida in general and of Gulf County in particular, never a dull moment. Neighbors all.