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Read Dragons Wild

Dragons Wild

Online Book

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Dragons Wild - Plot & Excerpts

For some it was the Essence Fest, another of the numerous music festivals that dotted the city calendar.
    For others, it meant a long weekend break from work. Weather permitting, an excursion to the beach, the Audubon Zoo, or even just a picnic or backyard barbecue provided a sufficient change of pace.
    With the hotels and restaurants full, the service industry dropped it into low gear and worked their tails off. No rest for the wicked.
    For Mose’s crew, and therefore for Griffen, it meant a high-stakes poker game.
    It seemed that this was a yearly event that a group of regular players attended, both local and out of towners. To be accurate, it was one of several yearly games that Mose hosted, usually coinciding with holidays or major local celebrations. This was just the first big game that Griffen had been invited to play in since he arrived in New Orleans three weeks earlier.
    While he was at college, there were several regular games that Griffen would sit in on.

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