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Read Drop Dead Gorgeous (2006)

Drop Dead Gorgeous (2006)

Online Book

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0345486587 (ISBN13: 9780345486585)
ballantine books

Drop Dead Gorgeous (2006) - Plot & Excerpts

Este es el segundo libro donde aparece Blair Mallory, creo que es un error tremendo que en el libro no se mencione que se trata de la secuela, por que te quedas un poco desorientada y como que hay cosas de las que ni idea; y sólo te enteras cuando la chica dice algo como "si quieres saber de qué hablo, lee mi primer libro"...   Es claro que el amor en este libro es un poco soso, un poco aburrido y un poco flojo, pero hay momentos en que dan ternura que es lo que lo hace rescatable...   Blair no es el tipo de protagonista con la que te encariñes, al contrario, es superficial, manipuladora y un poquitín irritante, eso sí, la mayor parte del libro, es muy divertida. Hubo una escena, sin embargo, en la que realmente sentí pena por ella. La manera en que trata de evadir lo que está sucediendo, sentirse herida por una persona a la que ama, es difícil, y estar tratando de hacerse la fuerte en ese momento... realmente me hizo congraciarme con ella. Miré por la cocina, y fuera, a mi pequeño patio con los árboles con luces blancas colgadas, para que pareciera un país de hadas. Un par de luces se había fundido, tendría que reemplazarlas. Las flores del jarrón donde comíamos se estaba marchitando, tendría que cogerlas frescas mañana. Miré a cualquier sitio menos a Wyatt, porque no quería ver en sus ojos lo que temía ver. No lo miré porque... simplemente no podía. Ser de nueva cuenta el blanco de un "asesino" debe ser difícil, sobre todo si las personas que deberían de creerte no lo hacen, y en cambio creen que sólo estás tratando de llamar la atención. Primero casi ser atropellada en un centro comercial por un auto fantasma, luego ser perseguida, llamadas anónimas... es evidente que hay alguien que la quiere muerta, pero ¿por qué?   Lo malo del libro fue haber desenmascarado al acosador en tiempo récord, pero no la autora, sino yo. Yo descubrí quién era y por qué, tan rápido, que casi me hizo dejar el libro, salvo que ahí estaba Wyatt y el tipo valía la pena la mayor parte de las veces.   Es un problema que el libro esté narrado en primera persona, porque está claro que Blair no es una protagonista que guste, unos vistazos a la mente de Wyatt serían maravillosos. A mí me hubiese gustado mucho  saber de dónde viene ese amor que él siente por Blair. Ella parece tan sin sustancia que no puedes evitar preguntártelo.   Esta novela podría ser el ejemplo claro de que el "amor es ciego". De otro modo, Wyatt no se hubiese enamorado de Blair. Me quedo con El hombre perfecto, como el mejor libro de esta autora. 

I just finished listening to the unabridged audio version of this book and though I haven't read a Linda Howard book in quite awhile I was quite surprised to find that her writing has changed so much. This book was a contemporary quasi-mystery with a whole bunch of hot sex between the empty headed heroine and her blinded by lust alpha cop fiance. Apparently there was a book about these two that came before this one but as the synopsis reads like an exact copy of this book I'm sure not going out of my way to search it out.Blaire is a beautiful ex-cheerleader who owns a health club called "hot bods" (groan) but never seems to do any work there and is engaged to alpha policeman Wyatt. When someone tries to run Blaire down, starts making harassing calls and burns down her house Wyatt still thinks she's crying wolf and brushes off her concerns. I guess she was such a ditz in the earlier book that he has reasons for this? I don't know but it sure made him look like a dummy. What I do know is that she was so self-centered and egotistical that I wasn't sad at any point when these horrible things kept happening to her. She just gleefully went on a shopping spree when her house burned to the ground and didn't seem to care that everything she owned was gone, so why should I? I'm guessing this was supposed to be a light-hearted mystery similar to the Stephanie Plum books but Blaire was too much of a bubble head and her silly rants were just annoying. She needed to get married NOW because her biological clock is tick-tick-ticking and there's no way she's getting amniocentesis, they might poke the baby in the eye! What a total airhead. This stuff is supposed to be funny?Though the reader was continually told how "alpha" Wyatt was supposed to be he must have gotten neutered somewhere along the line because he was quite tame. The big problem here was the first person writing from the point of view of Blaire. We don't get to know any of the characters and Blaire's head is so empty that most of the book is hard to take.As for the mystery? There are virtually no suspects besides the idea that some woman must be crazed with jealousy because Blaire is so perfect, so beautiful, so rich. When the attempted killer is revealed it is lame and predictable and fits in perfectly with the rest of the book.

What do You think about Drop Dead Gorgeous (2006)?

Like my sentiment on most of LH books, I was berating myself for not reading this SOONER. I didn't, well because, like the many characters in these books (To Die for & Drop Dead Gorgeous), I mistakenly took Blair for a fluff. I didn't realize how smart she is that she lets people (including me) think that she's a dumb bimbo, upto the point that it's too late to realize she'd been turning us in circles all along.FIVE stars, for me. I was laughing out loud at some scenes, and then squealing at the next, and so on. In short these books kept me on my toes and kept me up waaayy past bedtime. I just HAD to finish them.There are books that I always say I'd guarantee, with my reputation on the line. These are those books. =D----------

Orijinali Kitap Esintisi adresinde.Bu serinin ilk kitabı bizde "Ölümcül Hata" ismiyle GOA yayıncılıktan çıkmıştı. Tabi yıllar yıllar geçtiği için kitap halini bulmak çok zor durumda şu an. Orada Blair isimli asıl karakterimiz ölüm tehlikesi atlatıyordu. Hatta kendisinin yerine ona benziyor diye başka bir kadın öldürülüyordu. Soruşturmaya gelen polis ise iki yıl önce bir anda ondan ayrılan yakışıklı polis Wyatt oluyordu ve katili ararlarken araları da düzeliyor ve birbirlerine aşık oluyorlardı. Katil de eski kocasının karısı çıkıyordu, hatta eski kocası da işin içindeydi öyle bir şey. (spoiler oldu biraz sanki)Bu kitapta da yine Blair'i öldürmek isteyen birisi var. En başlarda Wyatt'a dahi kendini inandıramasa da evinin komple yanıp canını zor kurtarması üzerine Wyatt da öküzlük yaptığını anlayıp onu kollamaya çalışıyor. Ayrıca bir de planlanmakta olan düğünleri var ve pek de fazla zaman yok önlerinde. Blair bu karmaşa içinde birçok şey atlatıyor ama sizi bol bol güldürüyor. Bizim biraz çatlak diyebileceğimiz bir tip Blair, evi yanarken pencereden çıkmak üzereyken dönüp düğün ayakkabılarını kurtarıyor, işte bu şekil biri. Eğlenceli diyaloglar okurken katil de nihayet kendini belli ediyor ve ilk kitabı okuyan biri olarak tepkim şuydu: Ne çektin be Blair? Bu eskilerden nihayet yakalarını kurtarıyorlar ama Wyatt'ın Blair uğruna kurşun yemesi gerekiyor.Kitabın sonunda ise Blair'in ağzından tarifler var. Keşke onun yerine düğün epilogunu anlattıktan sonra biraz daha sonrasını da anlatsaymış yazar diye hayıflandım. Biz de bununla yetiniyoruz ve Blair Mallory macerası burada bitiyor.

Fun! I know some readers didn't like Blair. She's difficult, impossible, high maintenance, etc. but i enjoyed her narration. like the first book, Blair is being stalked by an unknown person who seems to want to kill her. And this time, her fiance Wyatt doesn't believe her! I liked the chemistry between the two of them, especially towards the end when he snaps at her. i got it. i was sad for her. and then the apology.... well they're a fun couple and all the things that people didn't like about B

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