Duchessina - A Novel Of Catherine De' Medici - Plot & Excerpts
After our first emotional meeting, my “uncle”—or whatever he was—paid little attention to me. He informed me of his wishes through Cardinal Giovanni Salviati. “The Holy Father has decided that you must acquire a number of necessary skills, Duchessina,” said the cardinal. “These will prepare you for your eventual marriage to a nobleman who would expect certain talents in a wife.” Various tutors would be assigned as needed, he explained—one for Latin, who would also instruct me in Greek; and a mathematician to introduce me to the study of astrology. The needlework skills and “the virtues” I’d acquired at Le Murate were deemed sufficient. But, I wondered, what sort of man would expect his wife to have such an education? Passerini had insisted to Aunt Clarissa that women should not be taught to read. Why had this changed? “His Holiness gives no reason,” said the cardinal. Then he asked, “Can you ride horseback?” “A little.” “You must learn to use a sidesaddle,”
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