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Read Duck Duck Ghost (2014)

Duck Duck Ghost (2014)

Online Book

4.25 of 5 Votes: 4
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1632162199 (ISBN13: 9781632162199)
Dreamspinner Press

Duck Duck Ghost (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

I find myself compelled to read Rhys Ford's books. I might have plot niggles, or angst niggles, but her characters bring me back for more. This book really is an odd duck. The first in the series almost went past my yuck factor, so I was expecting more of pushing that barrier, but the horror story seems oddly supplanted by the romance. And the romance is a lot of make-up sex. A lot. And at some of the most confounding moments (like when they should be pretty much expecting the evil ghost child to pop up with something especially nasty for them). It's like those old-school scenes where the MCs are getting it on in the middle of a raging battle or while surrounded by the the zombie apocalypse. I kind of missed exactly what happened to Daylen in the end. Also, I guess that was left hanging for the next story? As always, a great cover. Rhys Ford can do scary! She has written some pretty gruesome bad guys in her other series and the ghost in this book is creepy! I loved it. She also rounds it out with humor, eccentric characters, steamy romance and sweet emotions. Duck, Duck Ghost picks up with Tristan and Wolf after Fish & Ghost (Hellsinger #1) Things have not gone as planned for those two and in an attempt to reconcile they wind up visiting one of Wolf’s relatives to help with a possible haunting. The writing is fast paced and the characters and descriptions are rich and vivid. I enjoyed this one just as much or more than the first book. It does end with a slight cliff hanger. The story arc for this book is wrapped up but the cliff hanger sets up the next book and it was tantalizing and not anything that felt like I was left hanging. I can’t wait to see where Ms Ford takes our guys next!

What do You think about Duck Duck Ghost (2014)?

Very entertaining, I hope at some point we get another story in this series.

4. 5 Almost perfect blend of humor and horror, and one scary as f*ck ghost.

Spooky, creepy, shiver-inducing fun! Loved it!

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