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Eagle Strike (2006)

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0142406139 (ISBN13: 9780142406137)

Eagle Strike (2006) - Plot & Excerpts

D.E.A.R ProjectName Kolten faver PLOT The book starts out with Alex (the main character) going to Europe with his girlfriend Sabina. Will on there vacation Alex runs into the man who killed his uncle, his name is Yassen so he gets suspicious. Shortly after he sees smoke rising and him and Sabina ride home, they get there and the house was blown up there were peaces of wood from the house everywhere they said it was a leak in the gas pipe but Alex knows different. Second he looks into things he goes to Yassens boat and no one was there he gets on the boat and gets inside looks around no one he finds Yassens phone and takes it. He calls the last phone number called because he noticed when he saw Yassen he was on his phone, He calls the phone number and was astonished with who answered it was pop star Damian Cray. Next he goes to M16 which is the secret company he is a spy for and they don’t believe a word he says so now he knows hes on his own. Next he goes back to France where he lives with he guardian Jack, his idea is to sneak into the opening of Damian Crays new gaming consul. He gets there with Jack, Jack distracts a guy that has a ticket hanging out of his back pocket and Alex takes it. He finally gets in and ends up being the volunteer for testing out the consul and almost beats it. After that he sneaks into Damian Crays office which is huge and looks like a prison there are guards everywhere and he has to find a way to sneak in there was a truck at the entrance and he jumps on it and blends in with the man on the side of it. When he gets in the first thing he sees is a airplane on fire then all the sudden the fire just stops and the plane isn’t damaged at all. Afterward he finds stairs goes up them and finds Damian Cray he sees Damian kill a man that gave him a flash drive and Yassen was there with Damian. Damian sees him and he was brought over bye a guard. He gets put into a jail cell and theirs a hole there he crawls through he gets to a latter gets down and theirs a huge door it opens and it is a exact copy of the game he played with Damian but he has an advantage hes played it before. He finally gets through barely with his life and at the end he finds a door and he goes through and back into Damian’s building the alarm rings but he gets out before the gates close. Next thing Alex knows Damian has Sabina they had snatched her when she was going to see her dad in the hospital. Damian told Alex that if he isn’t there within the next 24 hours he will kill her. He takes a taxi to Damian’s house and when he arrives he walks through the gates and goes through the front door and there was Damian and Yassen he thought they would let her go but they didn’t. After all that they took them in cars to an airport in America they stop at a gate at the very back of the airport then there's a plane on fire and its coming straight for the airport it finally hits the ground and there are fire trucks and ambulances everywhere. Alex knows its the plane from Damian’s office but what the driver thinks is wrong Damian has a button in his hand and blows the plane up. They go through the gate will everyone is distracted and they go to a huge hanger and its carrying the presidents jumbo jet (airforce1) but what would Damian want with the presidents jet. Damian sends some guys on the jet and then he hears gun shots they get on and its unlike anything Alex had ever seen. Yassen keeps Sabina and Damian takes Alex to a room with a lot of electronics here it is Damian said. This room is the room where the president can launch of nuclear bombs on any country in the world. That is what the flash drive is for and to hack into the system Damian puts in code which turns different every day that’s what the flash drive tells him he puts on a glove that has the presidents finger prints on it and marks the spots and presses the button. He did this because in all these country’s are where all kinds of drugs are made and he believes that if he sends nuclear bombs in these spots it will kill millions but save more in the long run. They get back to the lobby and Damian sits down and tells Yassen to kill Alex and Sabina but He refuses he says he doesn’t kill kids. Damian takes the gun and points it at Alex and pulls the trigger he closes his eyes and looks around and Damian shot Yassen. He pulled the gun up aimed at Alex’s heart and fired. Alex flew to the ground and didn't move now he aimed at Sabina but didn't expect her to attack he threw her back against the wall but before he could shoot someone hit his arm it was Alex he was wearing a bullet proof vest he tried to attack Damian but he was still to strong. Sabina had opened the side door and the emergency slide flew open. Damian tried to shoot Alex but Sabina rammed into him with the drink cart his knees buckled Alex got up and pushed the cart as hard as he could right out the door the slide was slanted so when the wind caught him he was sucked up into the engine. The drink cart had more resistance though and then all the sudden the engine burst into flames and the plane was sent flying from the imbalance and hurtled and now the plane is lying on one side they can here sirens. Alex tried to get up but his legs wouldn’t couporate he was happy to see Sabina get up he told her she had to get to the communications room and press the self destruct button she left and then he heard a voice it was Yassen calling his name please he said he didn’t want to go over there but he did. He said I have something to tell you I couldn’t kill you I never would have killed you I knew your father we worked together he said, you mean he was a spy Alex said. No he was a killer like me the best in the world he taught me many things M16 hunted him down and killed him and I got away at the very last second, he saved his life and in a way he loved him. Then he said and your so very much like him and closed his eyes and he knew he would never open them again. SETTING In the book there were many different places that the book took place in. The majority of the book took place in France and in America. The beginning of the book took place in Europe Where Sabina’s father was almost killed. Alex was frantically moving through the whole book. On the inside of everything Damian owned was always light and open for some reason. CONFLICT The conflict of the book is that Sabina's father had been attempted to be assassinated. Also the man that tried to kill him ended up being a psycho and Alex was the one who had to fix things. Alex was almost killed many times through the whole book and saw things people shouldn't see. Then when he went to M16 for help they thought he was crazy and wouldn’t help him. Also Damian tries to set of nuclear missiles to help save the world from drugs but is killing millions in he process. Next Alex figures out that his dad was a killer like Yassen and was very much like his dad. RESOLUTION The resolution is Damian was killed after everything. Then his girlfriend ended up being ok in the end and he came out of it alive. He quit working for M16 and got on with the life a normal teenager should have. He also stopped the missiles from killing millions of people. Sabina ended up moving to America with her mom and her father ended up being ok. In time he will learn if he is really like his father to and hopefully not.THE END

Teens these days are always complaining about how much of a bummer it is to go to school. The grades, the social environment, the future, its all too much for a teen to think about at once. Well try saving the world a couple of times and finding yourself in several life or death situations. Anthony Horowitz, a British author outdoes himself with another amazing sequel in the Alex Rider series. In 2003 Horowitz published another sequel to his best selling series, Eagle Strike. Eagle Strike is about Alex rider. A 14-year old boy who works for M14 (British central intelligence agency). Alex finds himself on a vacation in France with his friend Sabina when all goes wrong. He see’s an old nemesis and insists of figuring out what he’s up to. A chain of events takes place leading Alex against a rich pop star sensation who plans on taking over… AIR FORCE 1! The story takes place between modern France and Britain as Alex stalks his nemesis to find out what he is up to. Alex going in alone finds himself captured and forced to fight in a bull ring which he escapes. After calling a phone number that he watched his nemesis call earlier that evening Alex finds himself searching for Damian Cray. Damian Cray is a popstar sensation that the world is fond of. He makes the debut of his new video game station “GAME SLAYER” He is loveable and donates millions to charity in order to stop world hunger and end a world of drug trade, but Alex see’s through the lies. Persuing and spying on Damian Cray, Alex is captured and finds himself in a life like simulation of the game Damien Cray created. Later in the novel Alex and Sabina find themselves hostages of Damian Cray as he launches plan EAGLE STRIKE. This book is exactly what young adults and teens are looking to read. Action, Suspense, Tragedy, all packed in one novel is a book with much popularity. Fasten your seatbelts because the book takes readers on an addicting, breathless, rollercoaster that you want to never end. Horowitz’s style for writing this book is just impressive. This 3rd person narrative keeps readers on a constant mood trip, throwing new challenges to the protagonist and a new personality to the antagonists. He takes Alex on this medium paced, trip saving the best for last. Horowitz dramatic structure for the novel is unique as three-fourths of the book is built mainly for the rising action, leaving the climax, falling action, and resolution only 50 pages. That is definitely the way to leave the readers wanting more and looking forward to the other books in the series. I rate this book a 5/5 as Anthony Horowitz continues the series, ending every book with a bang. He cleverly lengthens the book creating each scene of the novel with the right amount of detail and ambiance.

What do You think about Eagle Strike (2006)?

Eagle Strike by Anthony Horowitz has the basic problem solution plot structure, while being dreadfully slow. This book was meant to be an action story; however, it practically put me to sleep. In this book, Alex Rider is a 14-year-old spy! That’s about as unrealistic as it gets, even for a realistic fiction novel. This novel contains explosives, high speed chases, gun fights, assassinations, murders, real life video games, plane crashes and hostage situations, while all being completely predictable and boring. As unrealistic as it is, I could predict everything that happened through the voiceless text. Alex escapes death a multitude of times; where as any other adult would have died several times if they were his situations. Alex saves his best friend, Sabina Pleasant, from a psychopathic serial killer on a mission to launch nuclear missiles to 26 parts of the world; to re-birth the world and give everybody a chance to start over, what’s left of them. He does all of this completely solo without any special gadgets from his employers, MI6, and without the help of any adults except his babysitter! The psychopath is a pop star! One of the most famous pop stars, Damian Cray, is planning a world catastrophe, and is stopped by no other than Alex Rider, who has survived his sadistic real life video game, has escaped over 50 guards and a top security system, broke out of Cray’s prison more than once, and manages to crash and airplane and kill more than three of the craziest people on Earth, one of them being Damian Cray, and one of them being a contract killer.tIn this book, Anthony Horowitz makes Alex cocky and sarcastic in the face of danger, to a point that Alex has almost no emotions and practically says everything he is thinking leaving nothing for the reader to figure out themselves. He portrays Damian Cray as a complete and total madman who is good with public speeches but probably dreams of horrific events of like 9/11 and kicks puppies as a hobby. He has no self-control and will kill anyone in his way, however he never seems to kill Alex, no matter how many chances he gets, which also seems unrealistic about the story. Also, Damian Cray explains everything he is planning through dialogue, as if he wants Alex to stop him. Horowitz somehow managed to include some good word choices, while making the text and dialogue so boring that I almost couldn’t read it. He did a much better job in his previous books. Frankly the only character I liked was Cray because he tried to kill Alex, even that would have been a better ending than having Alex crash Air Force One, kill his to captives and save his girlfriend. Overall, I do not recommend this book unless you are trying to fall asleep.
—Karley Kent

After reading Eagle Strike, I found that it is a very easy read and a great book. It's about a teenage boy, Alex Rider, who was trained from a young age to be a spy. His uncle took him under his wing and began the training after his parents were killed. He didn't ask to become a spy but he was just kind of forced into it which he was not happy about at all.This book was about Alex trying to enjoy himself on vacation with a girl he likes very much, but then he spots and old enemy and decides to investigate a little bit.He follows him for awhile but then decides that he was on vacation and this wasn't his problem. That was something he would soon regret. After mi6 refused to go into further investigation of the problem that Alex brought up, he took matters into his own hands. I really liked this book, all the books in the Alex Rider series are very easy reads and always have you sitting at the edge of your seat. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for something exciting and suspenseful!
—Josh Anders

Eagle Strike critiquetSir Damian Cray is a philanthropist, peace activist, antidrug crusader, and the world's former most famous pop star. But he’s going to need to do things different to not be caught by Alex Rider. Most of the time people like Alex Rider has the support of the government. This time, he only has himself against the most popular man on earth.tThis book is about a teenager trying to save the world from the most powerful man on the planet. It includes, gun fights, assassinations, murders, plane crashes and hostage situations. Another thing that I enjoyed about the book was that the way the author, Anthony Horowitz described the setting and the characters. Although the best part is the high-speed chases it keeps the reader entertained and fascinated through the whole book. Then later in the book he uses a real life game to set up traps for Alex Rider to stop him from destroying the overall plan that only he knows. This book is about a young boy “underdog”, which inspires me to work hard for the better of the people, similar to the founding fathers of the United States. This book is really adventures which I liked.tThis book is good for any age readers that like action and adventure because it’s filled with it.
—Dor Moskowitz

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