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Read Eerie (2000)

Eerie (2000)

Online Book

3.49 of 5 Votes: 3
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Eerie (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

A quick story that I finished in one sitting. This read more like alien-fiction than the haunted-house story that I expected. I enjoyed the writing (note: I read this in the Ultimate Supernatural Box Set and the story may have undergone editing). The narrative was very quick and to the point in the delivery of details; the writing felt realistic for the characters and kept me engrossed, looking for answers that were somewhat Lovecraftian in nature. I didn't care for the ending; it felt like a rushed quick-fix to tie up loose ends but, at the same time, the end wasn't what I expected and I didn't know what was under the bed until the authors wanted me to know. A impressive novel of the supernatural. It usually takes me awhile to get through a novel (there aren't enough hours in the day), but I devoured this one in about two days: I'd say that's a pretty good clue I was having fun.Written by the brothers Crouch, I initially had my misgivings (I was afraid one would be carrying the other), but I have to admit it was a really fine novel; in fact, I think I initially gave it five stars (on sober second thought, it didn't quite measure up to what I consider an "amazing" novel, but I did really enjoy it. The strength of this story is in its beginning, in the relationship between the two protagonists, brother and sister, Grant and Paige Moreton. Orphaned as a result of a horrific accident, you really feel for these two who have only each other. Later in life, they kind of develop into clichés, but you can get over that pretty quickly as a result of the genuinely spooky story. This wasn't deathless prose, but it wasn't supposed to be; it was supposed to be fun escapism, and it sure as heck was.So, to sum up: I liked the protagonists; I liked the setting; I liked the concept; and there was a lot of mystery. Overall, well done Messrs.Crouch, well done. Whatcha got next?

What do You think about Eerie (2000)?

Really enjoyed the first three quarters of the book, but the ending was very disappointing.

It was a nice read, something for a quiet afternoon, when the day slips into dusk...

I enjoyed this book but the ending fizzled for me.

Enjoyed this book. Quick read.

Couldn't finish.

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