El Apocalipsis De Los Muertos (2011) - Plot & Excerpts
Honestly, I was really excited to read this book as I am a big fan of the horror genre. However, I was incredibly disappointed with almost every aspect of this book. With the author constantly repeating himself and character development that didn't seem to make sense at all, this book was very difficult for me not to stop reading and throw away. Halfway through, it's almost as if McKinney forgot he was writing about Zombies and began writing about a mass religious suicide (Jim Jones much?). This book isn't worth reading, and I have no intention of reading any of his other works. With something this bad, it's hard to believe anything he wrote could be any better. It's been about a year and a half and a hundred plus books since I read the first book in the series. As such, initially I had a bit of difficultly keeping track of where things were and the initial rotating of characters in the narrative had me feeling a little lost.Once the narratives started to merge together it was an enjoyable zombie survival novel with a couple of fresh ideas, not redefining, but fresh. Could have probably used a prologue to refresh the memory of readers like me.
What do You think about El Apocalipsis De Los Muertos (2011)?
I think the writer used amazing words, it made me feel as if I were in the book my self.
Probably the best in the trilogy; it's meaty, gory, character driven, and fun.
This my favorite Joe McKinney book. He is the best author in horror!