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Read El Misterio De Cooper Beeches (2000)

El misterio de Cooper Beeches (2000)

Online Book

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El Misterio De Cooper Beeches (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

أمتع قضايا المجموعة بلا منازع من وجهة نظري المتواضعة,قضية اجتمعت فيها الإثارة مع الغموض مع كثير من الرعب والتشويق,تحكي عن تيمة شهيرة فى عالم الرعب (الأشخاص الودودين أكثر من اللازم) وجاءت على أفضل ما يكون لتصبح خير ختام للسلسلة الأولى من مغامرات هولمز وقضاياه المثيرة :) Review of “The Copper Beeches” “The Copper Beeches” is one of the short stories in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is considered to be the most famous mystery author with his collections of the Sherlock Holmes. In the story of “The Copper Beeches”, Doyle introduces Miss Hunter who one day went to Baker Street and asks for advice from Holmes that whether she should take the job offer from Mr. Rucastle. Doyle tends to tell Miss Hunter that it dangerous for her to go to a new country without knowing anything at all. At the end, without taking Holmes’ advice, she cuts her hair and goes to Hampshire with Mr. Rucastle. In the house of the Rucastle, Miss. Hunter begins to realize weird things that are happening around the family. Then, she decides to seek advice from Holmes by telling him what actually been going on. In the story, Conan Doyle sets it in different locations, which makes it more mysterious for the audience and makes them question about Miss Hunter’s decision. Doyle also shows the curiosity of Sherlock Holmes of how he wants to know the reason behind why Mr. Rucastle wants Miss Hunter to go live with them in Hampshire. Therefore, he we went to find Miss Hunter in Hampshire to give her advice and find out the truth. The mysterious and characteristic of the Holmes has made the story more interesting by allowing the reader to wonder what happens next instead of boring the reader to sleep. “The Copper Beeches” ending seems to be rushed by the author. When Holmes and Watson went to the Rucastle house to find out what happen to Alice and everything that is in question from the beginning is resolve all at once. Doyle should have written how the questions are being answer at different parts of his story instead of just rushing all the answers in at the end. It makes the story less adventurous for the readers and it will allow the audience to have interest in the story the whole way though instead of having they bored questioning and questioning the way in the book Overall the story of “The Copper Beeches” has given the audience a sense of wonder through the book and questions being resolved at the end. People that consider to have curiosity are going to enjoy this book because with the interesting story that Miss Hunter tells it makes the audience to have the wonders of why and how in the story.

What do You think about El Misterio De Cooper Beeches (2000)?

At the opening of THE ADVENTURE OF THE COPPER BEECHES, Sherlock Holmes is pensive, dogged by the certainty that "the days of great cases are passed. Man, or least criminal man, has lost all enterprise and originality." Holmes had been relegated to finding lost "lead pencils" and giving advice to young ladies from boarding-schools." With that, Holmes tossed a crumpled note to Watson to read from Miss Violet Hunter, a governess seeking his advice.Upon arrival at the appointed time, Miss Hunter began telling the London sleuths her encounter with Jephro Rucastle. It seems that the young governess had lost her situation due to the family leaving England. Desperate for money, she inclined Miss Stoper of the Westaway agency to find employment. During the interview, Mr. Rucastle of Copper Beeches, Hampshire, offered her a governess position for his six year old son, Edward, with some unusual conditions. She was to cut her amber tresses to a short length, and she was to accomodate Mrs. Rucastle by wearing a certain blue dress when requested. The unusual requests weighed on the young woman, and before she would accept the overly generous offer, she must be assured that Holmes would come if summoned to a perilous situation. Holmes agreed, and within a fortnight received her plea.Additions to the original story emerged...there was a dog, the size of a calf, chained to an outhouse, vicious and malnourished. Only the servant, Toller, could manage the beast. There was the shuttered room, with light from an open roof, with a locked secured by Mr. Rucastle. There was a strange man observing Miss Hunter when she sat with her back to the window in the blue dress.And there was Rucastle's threat that if she ever went to the locked room, he would loose the chained dog upon her...Holmes predicted he had reached "the inevitable zero-point" in interesting cases. The Copper Beeches' mystery proved him wrong, as the famous sleuth is able to use his rare gifts of logic and reason to solve the complex mystery. Highly Recommended.

I really did enjoy the nice little thrill ride that was The Copper Beeches. Holmes little speech on the untold horrors of the countryside really set the tone for what was to come. The massive mastiff and the almost bipolar Rucastles certainly added to the flair. I was really hooked when Violet found a little something in her desk drawer! However, I felt that the climax of the story was a pretty big letdown. I was expecting something truly sinister and macabre behind that door.

This is an easy to read book, that just took me an hour to read.


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