Under an assumed name, Paul Flannery, dashing dark-eyed son of Quint and Dera's passionate union, pays court to lovely Allison Fairfax, heiress to Fairfax Manor and the surrounding Irish estate. For the innocent young girl, it is love at first sight and forever, but Paul's motive is to restore the Fairfax lands to their rightful owners, the Flannerys.
Too proud to reveal his true feelings, Paul suffers as he imagines a growing attraction between Allison and his brother Daniel, and at last sets for Canada, leaving the two to find happiness together.
But Allison, whose fidelity and love have never wavered, follows him, and husband and wife are reunited. But is the passion they share strong enough to bridge the chasm jealousy and misunderstanding have created between them?
What do You think about Emerald Enchantment (1989)?