‘That he did,’ said Doctor Helen with a smile. ‘He found his boot and the doctor delivered a baby boy who arrived ahead of schedule.’ ‘That was a great story,’ said Alice, concentrating on her words. ‘Exciting. But funny.’ ‘That pretty much describes my grandfather. Listening to his stories was one of the most thrilling things for me when I was a kid.’ Doctor Helen leaned back in her seat. ‘He was such a natural storyteller. He had this way of making you feel like you were there with him. And his stories were all so exciting. But the thing I liked most about them is that they were always about helping people.’ She grinned. ‘That’s what made me want to be become a doctor. That’s why I ended up with the RFDS.’ As Doctor Helen talked, she ran a hand through her long dark hair. And Alice spotted something – a flash of red at the roots. She dyes her hair black, she realised. She’s got red hair just like her grandfather. The connection made Alice smile. Suddenly the windows lit up and the boom of thunder reverberated through the plane.