Then he sprang into the air, clawed hands and paw-feet extended to rip her open. He reacted. Bill touched the taser tube firing spot. A red beam shot out and hit the crouching Hungry Heart in her gut. He did not see that as he was already jumping to intercept Sharp Claw before the critter could reach Jane, who was stumbling back, her right hand going down for her holstered semi-auto. Her reactions were good, but not as quick as those of a SEAL. Impact. Bill felt the pain of finger-claws cutting into his shoulders and paw-feet clawing against his knees as he hit the Mok critter just before it reached Jane. Going for his own semi-auto would not have stopped its forward momentum. So he’d jumped. He lifted his jaw up and bit into the yellow-furred neck of the Alien. “Urrrr,” came a low growl as the two of them hit the hard metal of the side walkway.
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