It was a long time coming, almost 30 years, and it was over one of his most difficult opponents, himself—or perhaps more accurately, his lesser self. He finally admitted he had transgressed by going far beyond any acceptable line when he had belittled and taunted Joe Frazier during the hype for their three historic fights. Back then, he had called Frazier an Uncle Tom, said he was much too ugly to be a champion and called him, on the occasion of their third fight, a gorilla. Frazier, unable to fight back verbally, for words were never among his weapons, remained hurt and bitter long after the fights were over. When Ali finally apologized, he accepted the fact that he had wounded another, very worthy man. “Joe’s right [to be bitter]. I said a lot of things in the heat of the moment that I shouldn’t have said. Called him names I shouldn’t have called him. I apologize for that. I’m sorry. It was all meant to promote the fight.” Ali’s apology was both magnanimous, and long overdue.