I'm sorry, but This will have spoilers for this book and the first two books. I loved how at the end of the first book jack gave up his life to be in side the tunnels for ever so nikki could stay on the surface. I love how in the second book cole, max, and nikki saved jack but I love when cole went to meet nikki in her room seen jack then told her how he tricked her. I loved how she was going to be come what he was. I love the third book but I wish it had a different ending. I wish cole and nikki had gotten to gether. Sure jack and nikki are perrfect for one another, but I want her to live forever and be queen with cole. Maybe I just feel bad for cole. I think nikki and jack should be together then cole finds someone who ends up being queen and they fall in love and every one lives happily ever after. I am sorry for the spoilers. Okay, so I am basically a sucker to love stories. They're cute and fun and whatever...but I have to throw this out there (and I am sorry it had to be on this series because I honestly enjoyed it), but why in the name of everything that is holy does the last book in a trilogy have to just completely go downhill. This book was fine. It really was. Don't read the first two and then be like,"Well, I'm not going to read this one now."Read it. It's fine. But it is my pet peeve that when I put time and energy and excitement into a book series, the last book turns out....I don't know...rushed? Not as well thought out...?I still gave this book four stars. Honestly it probably deserves 3.5, but I'm rounding up. I like Jack. I like Cole. I like Nikki. So A+ to Brodi Ashton. It was just a rushed through end [SPOILER ALERT] (and Ashton got an easy out on the Cole character because of the amnesia).And looking back, the entire book was definitely not as good as the first and second (especially the second...I really enjoyed that one).The end.
What do You think about Ewiglich Die Liebe (2014)?
i think it was a really cool book because,I've always wanted to read these kind of books
First trilogy that I actually liked how it ended.
loved this series, quick reads, and entertaining.