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Read Experiment In Murder (2012)

Experiment in Murder (2012)

Online Book

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0765326108 (ISBN13: 9780765326102)
Forge Books

Experiment In Murder (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

I have not read a Margaret Truman novel in forever and now I remember why. She really wasn't a very good writer.The thing that is interesting about this book is that the author died in 2008 I believe and there is a copyright of 2012 by her estate. Who finished the book? There are references to current day politicians including our current president. If she wrote right up until she died bravo.The best part about the book is that only the bad guy wins. How unusual. This title can hardly be considered a Margaret Truman work (remember that Margaret passed away early 2008). The story line, etc. by Bain is far removed from the good mystery writing that Truman gave us which also was not too agenda driven if at all. In this title, you have multiple agendas being driven which detracts from the story flow. Margaret had been retiring certain characters late in the series (logical progression) and was moving on. Those characters are suddenly resurrected despite the fact that they have little reason to be in the story. She also used fictional political characters and did not use her books to take pot shots at living persons or to elevate others. Margaret was sensitive to having been a 'target' herself as the daughter of a past president, and kept political figures as fictional. Therefore, the use of living persons, etc. would be out of character for her. I am disappointed at how Bain wrote this title and sorry for the Truman family as her name is used as first author. I don't think Margaret would have liked how this title was written nor approved of it.

What do You think about Experiment In Murder (2012)?

Not as good as Margaret Truman, a little more stilted than she wrote.

Not up to Margaret Truman's level, not a satisfying ending.

The scenario is truly frightening!!

Great book, but a strange end...

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