“We should test the worm’s stomach cavities and gizzard for traces of Cleanup”. Mike turns around quizzically. “Make sure that your test runs for Groundup SuperPower only. You know there’s a whole line of those products, ever since the seventies. SuperPower is the latest. There should be a trace difference in composition between SuperPower and other lines, for example PowerMax”. “Right”. With a click Mike’s laptop whirs to action as Mike starts to surf the web for information on Groundup products. Mike simultaneously turns to Mark telling him, “Call headquarters, and tell them to e-mail me any information they can send me on MalSanto’s Groundup Products. Specifically, Groundup SuperPower”. Mark opens up his wire-thin Nokia iphone to make the call to the USDA Los Angeles office, while Mike searches the web for useful information on the new herbicide. “Lets see, what is Groundup composed of? Well, that should be easy”. Immediately after putting the words into a search engine, Mike sees the screen show hundreds of thousands of hits.