***SPOILER ALERT***What would you do if you fell in love with someone, but you're mother despised them and the person you love is from the same family that caused you're little sisters death?Well, that's what it's like for Maddy Harvey. When Maddy goes to a party one night she found herself jumping over a wall into the next door neighbours garden for a wee, since the door was locked to the house. But after failing to get back over, a young gentleman helps her back over, even if it does cause Maddy to accidentally show him her bright orange knickers through her ripped trousers.But since that fateful night, Maddy soon had a feeling towards this man, and she couldn't stop thinking about him. Even though it was pitch black when she saw him. Though when Maddy goes on a sandwich delivery from Peach Tree deli and into Bath to Callaghan and Fox. Maddy is soon in doubt when then man she met that fateful night, turns out to be Kerr McKinnon.Marcella, Maddy's mum, wanting nothing to do with any of the McKinnon's since the death of her step daughter years ago. But when Maddy ends up having a secret relationship with Kerr, and Marcella finally finds out. All hell breaks lose.With Maddy finding it hard to cope with love, her friend Nuala who lives in the Angel pub with snotty boyfriend Dexter, she won't hear such nonsense that Dexter treats her like rubbish and that she is the only one who can't see for herself.Kate who was Maddy's rival at school soon turns back up in Ashcombe, following a horrible accident to her face, Kate encloses herself to the outside world and decides to stay in Dauncey House, with her mother Estelle and her father, Oliver.But Oliver has a few secrets tucked up his own sleeve about a certain someone who lives in Ashcome.Meanwhile Jake, Maddy's brother basically sleeps with everyone woman he can get his hands on, Juliet, Maddy's work partner plans to keep her son, Tiff's real father a secret. Estelle has problems with her husband, Oliver. And Sophie, Jake's daughter, just loves Spiderman, playing with Tiff and Marcella's dog, Bean.Throughout the story we meet many characters; Maddy, Kerr, Marcella, Jake, Juliet, Sophie, Tiff, Kate, Estelle, Oliver, Den, Pauline and Nuala. And of course the two dogs Bean and Norris.We see each of their individual stories, the way they live and each of their secrets.So what will happen between Maddy and Kerr?What happened to Marcella's daughter years ago and how does it relate to the McKinnon's?And what secret is Oliver hiding towards his family?Falling For You by Jill Mansell, is a lovely heartwarming book about a couple who just can't be together, and no matter how hard they try it just doesn't work. Following the love life of Maddy and Kerr was just wonderful to read.I really enjoyed this book, as it is my second one that I have read by Jill Mansell and I must say that I will be getting some more this Christmas and hopefully in the future.The way that she describes the characters is amazing, and I love the fact that there's about four different stories going on at the same time throughout the book, or even more. But somehow they always get tied together, which I find an amazing writing skill.The way that there are many characters in one book, and so many images that get your mind flowing with creativity and imagination is wonderful.The only thing that I think there could of been more of, would be Maddy and Kerr, I know that it was all secretive, but it could of been more like it. As in more secret meeting up and things like that. The ending was lovely, but maybe a kiss in there at the end would of been nice too!But other than those two things, I thought it was amazing. Another thing I like about it, is the short chapters. Which make each one snappy and by the end of the week you're already finished! Love that!Go out and buy Jill Mansell's books, because I assure you that you won't be disappointed with them at all! There lovely, well written and beautiful story lines and imagery is created!Rated: 4 out of 5
Klappentext: Nachts und ohne Kontaktlinsen begegnet Maddy Harvey dem Mann ihrer Träume. Doch bei Tageslicht erkennt sie erschrocken, wer er wirklich ist: Kerr McKinnon. Das darf ihre Mutter nie erfahren! Denn die Harveys und die McKinnons sind offiziell verfeindet. Doch Maddy und Kerr können die Finger nicht voneinander lassen. So ein Geheimnis bleibt nicht lang verborgen. Und dann taucht auch noch Maddys Erzfeindin aus Kindertagen auf...Review: Wenn man den Klappentext liest, dann erwartet man ein schönes Liebesdrama zweier Menschen, die durch eine Verfeindung der Familien nicht zueinander finden können.Tja, Fakt ist, dass das Buch von sehr vielen Menschen handelt, nicht nur von Maddy und Kerr. Bis zu einem gewissen Grad finde ich das nicht schlimm oder negativ an einem Buch, aber bei diesem Buch fällt es schon sehr auf. Es fokussiert sich nämlich nicht nur auf ein Liebespaar, sondern auf ganz viele Frauen und Männer (Freunde, Familie und Bekannte von Kerr und Maddy), die in demselben Örtchen oder Umgebung wohnen und zueinander finden. Es ist schön geschrieben - keine Frage - aber mir hat es nicht gefallen, dass der Fokus mehr auf anderen Paaren lag, als auf Maddy und Kerr. Denn eigentlich hatte ich es mir gekauft, da ich wissen wollte, wie sich das entwickelt und nicht, wie Oliver, Jake, Juliet, Nuala, Dexter, Kate, Will, Estelle und den ihren passenden Partner finden. Mir kommt es so vor, als handele es mehr von diesen Leuten als von den beiden „Hauptcharakteren“ Kerr und Maddy, deshalb gebe ich auch diesem Buch nur 3 Sterne.Und wer keine kitschigen Happy Ends – wo jeder glücklich wird - mag, der sollte das Buch erst gar nicht in die Hand nehmen. Ich bin der Meinung der Verlag, oder wer auch dafür zuständig ist, sollte mal den Klappentext ändern, damit man keine falschen Erwartungen hat. Fazit: Wer es lesen will, kann es liebend gern machen, aber ich war echt enttäuscht von dem Buch.
What do You think about Falling For You (2004)?
A typicall Jill Mansell's book and this is why I loved it. A lot of characters, many plots, a lot of action, unexpected twists and turns... Just a hillarious read and every time I feel I am getting a little down with the life I just read Jill. It usually helps :) Although I must say that I didn't warm too much to Marcella after this what she's done to Maddy, although I try very hard to understand her. Maybe she was right and maybe I couldn't fotgive as well, but on the other hand - Maddy was her daughter that lived. And Kate - oh, I really didn't like her at all, almost to the end, she has rehabilitated herself in my eyes with Norris :) Norris was a hit, I love reading about dogs in the books :)Anyway, up to the next book of Jill, while waiting for January for the new release.
Ini pertamakali baca novel Jill Mansell. Di awal cerita sdh banyak nama2 bertebaran bikin sy bingung sbnernya tokoh utamanya siapa? Blm lg sy yg amnesia soal nama, jd mesti menghapal dikit2 & hubungannya dgn yg lain. Perseteruan keluarga yg menurut sy agak terlalu didramatisir, Marcella itu kan ibu tiri, okelah dia ibu yg sangat mencintai anak2 tirinya tp kejadiannya udah 12thn yl, yg nabrak April sampe tewas itu bukan Kerr tp adiknya (spoiler : ternyata ibunya). Tp hubungan Kerr & Maddy memang beresiko membuka luka lama. Blm lg liat karakter Nuala, mau aja dicela2, dibully bahkan setelah diputus ttp aja begging2 minta baikan, Kate yg kaya, arogan & dr dulu memperlakukan Maddy dgn buruk, Maddy yg coward, plin plan & ga tegas pdhal Maddy kan heroine-nya. Ayah Kate yg selingkuh & menghasilkan anak jg bikin bete.
—Ayu Wirdha
Opnieuw slaagt Jill Mansell er als geen ander in om een aangenaam neer te pennen met geloofwaardige personages. Maddy én Kerr spelen niet zo zeer de hoofdrol in dit verhaal, ze vormen wel de rode draad. Zij zijn de lijm die alle personages met elkaar verbindt. Is dat niet hetzelfde vragen jullie je nu waarschijnlijk af. Voor mij alleszins niet. Bij andere verhalen zijn de overige verhaallijnen vaak verwaarloosbaar, maar hier vormen ze een onmisbaar onderdeel van het geheel. De schrijfster slaagt er bovendien in om je met elk van haar personages te laten meeleven.Naar goede gewoonte komen er net als in de andere boeken van deze schrijfster heel wat karakters aan bod. Het begin van ‘De prins op het verkeerde paard’ leest dan ook als een voorstellingsronde. Die eerste bladzijden wisselen de perspectieven elkaar heel snel op. Slechts enkele alinea’s vanuit het ene perspectief om vervolgens over te springen op de invalshoek van een ander personage....Mijn volledig recensie kan je hier terugvinden.
—Zwart Raafje