‘You’re on strike only against them?’ he asked, wanting to clear this up before he asked for her help.‘Of course. If you have something you’d like me to do, I’d be only too happy to abandon this,’ she said, flipping closed the magazine. ‘I don’t know why I bother to read it.’‘That’s exactly what my wife says about Muscoli e Fitness,’ Brunetti said, deadpan.But Signorina Elettra was not to be trapped. ‘I’m sure she’s interested because those things were so vital to Henry James,’ she said.‘Have you read him?’ Brunetti asked, not sure if he was astonished or worried.‘Only in translation. I’m afraid my mind has been so dulled by reading police reports that it’s hard for me to concentrate on such complex prose and psychological penetration.’‘Indeed,’ Brunetti said in a soft voice. And then, sensing Vianello’s impatience with their quips, said, ‘What I’d like you to do is find out if anyone has telecamere in place by Ponte de le Scuole.’‘Is that the one behind San Rocco?’ she asked.‘Yes.’It took her only a moment to visualize the place, and when she did, she said, ‘I wouldn’t think so.