Famous Five 19 Five Go To Demons Rocks - Plot & Excerpts
19 - Five Go To Demon's Rock @page { margin-bottom: 5.000000pt; margin-top: 5.000000pt; } Chapter Eleven JEREMIAH BOOGLE When it began to get dark, Tinker left the card-table, and fetched an old-fashioned oil-lamp. He shook it. ‘It’s still got some oil in,’ he said. ‘Good. I’ll light it, then we can see properly.’ ‘What a pity we can’t light the great oil-lamp at the top of the light-house,’ said George. ‘That must have been the light-house keeper’s great moment - lighting up the lamp to “Famous Five 19 - Five Go To Demon's Rock” By Enid Blyton 31 warn ships away. I wonder who first thought of a light-house - someone whose folk sailed, and might be wrecked on rocks, I suppose?’ ‘One of the first great light-houses was built ages ago on an island called Pharos at the mouth of the Nile, not far from the great port of Alexandria,’ said Julian. ‘What was it built of - stone, like this one?’ asked Tinker. ‘No. It was built of white marble,’ said Julian.
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