What happened to you?”Falling into step next to me, Mark looked me up and down as I made my way towards the large fire in the back of the dining hall. Reaching the hearth, I fanned my dress in the heat of the flames in a desperate attempt to dry out the silk. Mark reached out to peel the sodden hair away from my forehead and laughed to see the way my makeup now made me appear like a demented clown who’d escaped a mental institution.“The sink spit at me.”He gave me an odd look, but remained silent for me to explain.“I’m not kidding. You would think for a fancy restaurant, they would make sure their restroom facilities were working properly.”Grabbing a dry cloth napkin from a nearby table, Mark patted at my hair as I continued to fan my dress. Neither of us were thinking properly and continued to act as a two man comedy team for the amusement of the other diners.“The sink spit at you. So, the nozzle sprayed, you mean?”I looked up at him and smiled. “No. If the nozzle had sprayed, I would have said the nozzle sprayed.