After walking into a couple of other tech companies he’d freelanced for in the past, he was getting nothing. Stony faces or rejections outright instead of “we’ll see what our next project is and give you a call tomorrow,” like he’d heard before. Justin was used to being in demand. How fast had word spread. And, worse yet, what exactly was being spread? Had the incident with Sybil Industries leaked out? All it took was one pair of loose lips and companies wouldn’t dare trust him with their sensitive security information. And nothing had even been proven—in court or otherwise. It was all a bit much. Justin wanted to curl up in bed and bury himself in Doctor Who books. It felt so much easier to lose himself in fantasy worlds rather than face reality, but it had to be done. Justin was too prideful to let this take him down. Not for something he hadn’t even done in the first place. Justin needed to prove that he still had what it took, and earn a chance to salvage his reputation.