Akhirnya ketahuan juga apa bentuk First Debt-nya, nggak ngebayangin gimana debt-debt selanjutnya bakal dibayar.. walau udah dapat hint dan si heroine sendiri tahu kalo di Last Debt atau di Debt terakhirnya dia bakal dibunuh, tapi kelakuan si hero dan keluarga si hero kepada si heroine malah bikin aku pingin banget musnahin tuh rumah tempat si heroine di jadikan 'tamu' (tipe tamu yang ditahan tidak boleh keluar dari tempatnya) dan halaman-halamannya yang sampai berkilo-kilo luasnya..arrghhh! Really enjoyed this 2nd book, very sexy and not over done with too much sex. wish the cliffhanger was a little bit better and more shocking and intense, because I had figured out the secret in book 1, but enjoyed it none the less. I love seeing the hero's walls break down as well as the heroines. The chemistry is absolutely intense. Bummed the 3rd installment is not out yet. Pepper Winters is quickly becoming my go to author!
I knew it. From the very first book I know that he was the one....
better than the 1st but still not really into it.
Love this crazy warped world!
Oh I need the next book!!!