In the small hours when Zee crawled into bed with me after her night’s fishing, I woke up and was happy, feeling her skin against mine. She spooned up behind me and her arm came around my chest. “Catch anything?” I murmured. “A couple little ones. I’ve got them on ice, but they’re nothing worth weighing in. Brady got a good hit but it bit off his fly. He said it felt big.” “You lose a lot of lures if you fish for blues without a leader,” I said. “I’ve lost my share, leaders and all. But you never know what size fish might win a prize, so you should take your biggest one to the morning weigh-in even if you’re sure it’s a loser.” “I’m sure, but you’re right about going to the weigh-in. Remember when Iowa won a daily with a four-pound blue?” She paused. “I’m going to invite Molly Wood to come to supper tonight, so she can meet Brady.” Does Mother Nature abhor an unattached male? “Who’s Molly Wood?” “Molly’s a visiting nurse who’s down here for the summer.