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Read Five Go To Demon's Rocks (2001)

Five Go to Demon's Rocks (2001)

Online Book

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0340796332 (ISBN13: 9780340796337)

Five Go To Demon's Rocks (2001) - Plot & Excerpts

#19 & #20 dari Lima Sekawan ciptaan eyang Enid Blyton.Karang Setan, si # 19. Episode ini memberikan sebuah hiburan baru bagi para pecinta Lima Sekawan, MercuSuar! Yup, di buku yang ini anak-anak membawa para pembacanya berpetualang di sebuah mercusuar sebagai tempat tinggal atau tepatnya tempat anak-anak menghabiskan liburan. Mercusuar ini kepunyaan si Utik, anak dari seorang profesor kawan dari ayah George yang mendadak menginap di Pondok Kirrin. Karena keadaan rumah yang sempit dan gaduh, sedangkan kedua profesor tadi tak mau diganggu oleh kebisingan, akhirnya anak-anak mengungsi ke sebuah mercusuar. Senang rasanya sebagai pembaca dibawa melihat-lihat keadaan dan cara kerja dari sebuah mercusuar. Meskipun anak-anak menempati sebuah mercusuar bekas, namun tetap saja fungsi-fungsi dari tiap bagian mercusuar masih dapat diketahui dan digunakan. Apalagi, sepertinya jaman sekarang ini jarang sekali mercusuar disebut-sebut dalam perbincangan sehari-hari.Khas Blyton, lorong-lorong serta gua bawah tanah tak ketinggalan dalam #19 ini. Begitu pula dengan perburuan harta karun dari masa lampau. Trademark.Oya, si Utik ini pecinta binatang, ia memiliki seekor monyet yang dinamakan si Iseng, yang akhirnya berkawan akrab dengann Timmy.#20, Di Pulau Seram. Lagi-lagi anak-anak bertemu pecinta binatang. Kali ini Wilfried namanya. Lebih sakti, karena ia seperti magnet bagi hewan-hewan tersebut. Kelinci, landak, burung, ular, bahkan Timmy! Takluk semua olehnya.Petualangan anak-anak kali ini sebenarnya tidak sengaja. Kapal yang mereka sewa tanpa sengaja terbawa arus sehingga mendarat di Pulau Seram. Sebuah pulau yang terkenal angker karena dijaga oleh dua orang bersenjata, yang tak segan menembak siapa saja yang mendarat di pulau tersebut.Masih mengusung trademark yang sama, gua bawah tanah, serta harta karun, kali ini harta karun curian, yang ternyata ditimbun di pulau tersebut, alih-alih margasatwa yang dilindungi di pulau Seram itu.Kedua buku ini keadaan mencekamnya bisa dibilang "dapet", anak-anak bersinggungan langsung dengan penjahatnya, Sebuah kondisi yang tak didapat di #18.[CENTER]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER]Dua buku terakhir Lima Sekawan (#21 belum punya, begitu juga #16), saya bisa mengambil kesimpulan kalau anak-anak ini merupakan anak-anak yang tajir. Cobain baca deh, terus rasakan makanan-makanan yang anak-anak ini makan. BANYAK BANGET! Gak mungkin kayanya kalau keadaan ekonomi mereka kurang mampu. Ditambah, si George punya sebuah pulau! Tajir bingit kan, hii...Keadaan lain yang ingin saya soroti, selama petualangan mereka di 21 buku (diandaikan saja dalam 1 tahun ada 4 musim liburan), maka selama 5 tahun berturut-turut, anak-anak ini jarang sekali berlibur bareng orangtua mereka. Kalau bibi Fanny (ibu George), mungkin agak banyak disebut, tetapi orangtua dari Julian, Dick, dan Anne jarang sekali muncul, bahkan identitas mereka hanya disebut sebagai ibu & ayah saja, tanpa embel-embel nama. Di #20 sempet sih si ibu muncul, tapi ya itu, kesannya cuma cameo doang, sebentar banget munculnya, seolah-olah pelengkap saja. Agak aneh juga sih sebenarnya, kesannya anak-anak lebih sayang pada orang-orang lain yang kebetulan mereka tumpangi rumah / pertaniannya.Ah, apapun, petualangan Lima Sekawan ini pantas sekali untuk dibaca, dikoleksi, dan dilungsurkan. Yakin, kisah ini bisa membuat yang tadinya tidak suka membaca jadi agak suka membaca.Salam Limun Jahe!!!

Five Go to Demon's Rocks” is the 19th book of the famous series. It was first published in 1961 and has been illustrated by Eileen A. Soper. It has all the ingredients of a classic Enid Blyton books with absent-minded professors, mischievous pets, long lost treasures, underground caves, some bad guys and of course the Famous Five.The book begins with George’s father inviting his scientist friend to Kirrin Cottage so that the two of them can work together on some top secret invention. The guest brings along his son Tinker and his pet monkey Mischief. With the cousins also staying at the cottage, the house seems to be bursting at its seams until Tinker invites the children to stay at an old, disused lighthouse that he owns.Fun and excitement begins for the five children and their pets when they meet an old man named Jeremiah Boogle. He tells them about the Demon's Rocks and how a trio of ship wreckers stole treasure from ships that they lured onto the rocks, causing them to smash and sink. The treasure was kept hidden in the Wrecker’s Caves and nobody had ever found it.The descendants of One-Ear Bill were still around and apparently took after their wicked ancestors in their mean and shifty ways. The Famous Five do some exploring of their own, find a lead to the treasure and get locked in the lighthouse by the bad guys. The tale finishes on a very exciting note as the Five escape from the sticky situation with the help of a forty-year old bell and the lighthouse lamp that hadn’t been lit for decades.

What do You think about Five Go To Demon's Rocks (2001)?

The Famous Five meet up with Tinker and his pet monkey, Mischief. Tinker owns an old lighthouse at Demon's Rocks - so they all go there to spend an exciting holiday. They soon meet a great character called Jeremiah Boogle (an old sailor) - and he tells them a fascinating tale about The Three Wreckers. The children are excited when Jeremiah talks about some undiscovered treasure!It's not long before The Famous Five sense another mystery! This is another fabulous and entertaining story, in this wonderful series. A great story for children who like to use their imagination. There's lots of fun and adventure in this exciting mystery!
—Robin Rowles

I don't know if I've ever read this before - my Dad had the entire series, but when I reread it a couple of years ago, I couldn't find this one - now I wonder if it's because he didn't have it in the first place. Regardless, I was thrilled to find it at a second-hand book sale recently and am glad to have read it. It's not quite as good as many of the others, and I especially found Mr. Kirrin absolutely insufferable, but it was still a fun read.But reading Famous Five books always makes me so hungry! They're constantly eating!
—Maria M. Elmvang

This was one of my favourites. What struck me, re-reading this at the grand old age of 25, is how utterly condescending the Five are to EVERYONE, including each other! But I still felt some of the old thrills over gold coins and one-eared wreckers, and a lighthouse battered by the winds. I think my favourite thing about the Famous Five stories is that sense of cosiness amidst danger; wherever they go, whatever the adventures, there's always a little spot of golden torchlight, and plenty of hard-boiled eggs.

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