Flashback (The Saskia Brandt Series Book Two) - Plot & Excerpts
They were eating curried sausages near an information desk. She hid behind a postcard carousel, thinking, Don’t be so obvious... don’t be so... so fucking Clouseau. She felt the strain of predation, but its pressure could be transferred: it was potential energy, like that of a coiled spring, and when released she would launch and lose them all. Her eyes hurried over the options as they were served on the departure board. Three hours to Hamburg, door to the North Sea. Four hours to Cologne, the Rhineland city she had visited with her school as a teenager. Four hours to Frankfurt – a blank space on her internal map. Munich, six hours. But why limit herself to Germany? There were night trains to Scandinavia. In short hours, she might part the curtains in her sleeper compartment to view the sea beyond the Danish peninsula. What was that called? The Baltic? Scapa Flow?‘Scarper,’ she said, testing the word.She gave a euro to the woman who tended the ladies’ toilet. Inside, she found a disabled stall.
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