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Read For Better Or Worse (2009)

For Better or Worse (2009)

Online Book

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Barbour Publishing, Inc.

For Better Or Worse (2009) - Plot & Excerpts

The first few weeks of a new school year always sent her stomach into a tailspin. She loved teaching, but the getting-to-know a new batch of teenagers, the settling into a routine, and the always-new requirements by the state and administration never failed to take a toll on her nerves. It’s why I’m able to stay a pretty good weight. One month of the year I live on crackers. She chuckled to herself as she unlocked her classroom door, walked to her desk, and dropped her school tote and lunch bag on the floor beside the file cabinet.
Thankfully, it was Friday. She’d made it through the first three weeks of school, as well as having Zoey as a student, without a hitch. She noticed the three pictures of the bridesmaid dresses she’d narrowed her choice to sitting on top of a pile of ungraded essays on her desk. Adding planning her own wedding to everything else she needed to get done only enhanced her stomach’s inner turmoil. She plopped into her rolling chair, making sure not to rest her elbow on the broken, left arm of the chair.

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