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Read Forbidden (1993)

Forbidden (1993)

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0380769549 (ISBN13: 9780380769544)

Forbidden (1993) - Plot & Excerpts

Amber is known as the "Forbidden". Amber is one of the 'Learned", and there is a prophecy that if Amber ever gives the three parts of her self; Body, Heart and soul, then death will be in her future. Amber has always been well protected, and if she ever touches another, it gives her pain, as she can sense emotions by touch. Then one day, a man who has lost all of his memory, a wounded warrior, enters her life, and as she brings him back to health, an unbreakable bond forms between Duncan and Amber. From their first meeting, a desire builds between the couple. Amber knows her future, and as Duncan's memories start to slowly surface, she knows that soon the love he has for her will fade and turn into anger, but will her love be strong enough to survive what has been foretold?Forbidden is the second book in the Medieval trilogy, and the last book that I needed to read to complete the series. Since I had read the last book first, I had been waiting for Duncan and Ambers story for a while, and I was thrilled to finally be able to read it, and learn more about this couple. Forbidden is quite a intense ride of a romance. It is set in the medieval time period, and Forbidden has quite a bit of a fantasy/paranormal element that is thrown into the mix. The heroine has the ability to feel the emotions of anyone she touches, and the majority of the time, she feels intense pain. She has always known of her future, and has been labeled as the "Forbidden", so that all would know that she couldn't be touched. But when she meets Duncan, who is injured with no memory, his touch calms and soothes her, makes her feel pleasure, and for the first time in her life she feels no pain. You see the bond that develops between Duncan and Amber, and its very emotional and romantic at times.The characters are quite good together. Duncan is a skilled and powerful warrior, and the enemy to Amber and her people. Then he is found in a sacred place, where he is practically nude, with no memory of who he is. Even without his memory, the reader sees the evidence of his strength and even possessiveness and signs of the "Alpha Male" is very present, although not as strong as you would expect. Amber is quite strong heroine, way more strong than you expect her to be from the beginning. She has the type of personality as a "fighter", it may not be with weapons, but she fights with everything she has at her disposal and never gives up on Duncan, even at times when he almost betrays the love they share. Duncan and Amber are quite explosive together. The secondary characters were fun as well, and I enjoyed seeing Dominic and Meg and some other side characters involved in the story as well. They added a unique characteristic to the story.Overall a powerfully written medieval romance that pulled at my heartstrings from the beginning. I was cheering all the way for this couple, there was such a endearing quality to Duncan and Amber. A beyond memorable story that is packed full of intrigue, passion and intensity. OUTSTANDING!

"Era la storia di un amore che sbocciava inaspettato, così come inaspettato era fiorito il sorbo sacro, infondendo la vita in tutto ciò che sfiorava."Secondo della serie, devo dire che non mi ha soddisfatta del tutto. Ancor più che nel precedente, qui la magia la fa da padrone con contorno di profezie, presagi e frasi sibilline... Il potere di Amber è davvero particolare, infatti riesce a captare le emozioni delle persone con un semplice tocco, subendo però un doloroso "contraccolpo". La sua nascita è stata accompagnata da una profezia che l'arrivo di Duncan, trovato privo di memoria, sembra mettere in moto. L'amore e la passione tra i due sboccia a prima vista, come fosse destino, tanto che Duncan stesso crede siano già stati amanti mentre la sottoscritta avrebbe voluto vedere sbocciare l'amore in maniera più lenta e coerente invece che tutto in un colpo XD Anche se Amber intuisce ben presto la vera identità di Duncan decide di tenerlo per se mentre cerca di farlo innamorare, così anche se ricorderà che sono nemici le perdonerà tutto per amore. Inutile dirlo la manovra davvero sleale di lei porterà sgradevoli conseguenze e stavo quasi per parteggiare per il povero Duncan finché la sua rabbia non sfocia in crudeltà e allora ha cominciato a farmi pena lei XD Ritroviamo i personaggi del primo libro, Dominic, Meg e Simon e una nuova arrivata che sarà la protagonista del prossimo e ultimo libro della serie. Nonostante l'altalena di emozioni di questo secondo volume, ammetto di essermi sentita spesso insoddisfatta e quasi irritata, come se la storia avrebbe potuto prendere un'altra strada, molto più intrigante e invece si è mantenuta sui soliti binari. Potenziale non sfruttato appieno insomma, peccato! D:

What do You think about Forbidden (1993)?

Forbidden was a pleasant surprise – I expected it to be a fluffy historical romance which I usually hate, but it was surprisingly heart-wrenching in dealing with themes of betrayal and hope. The fighting was intense and the last several chapters seriously suspenseful. Only three stars because the language was a bit stilted at times and they seemed to be falling out of their clothes in open fields an awful lot considering the time period was not the 1970s. This is the middle book of a trilogy so I’m adding at least the third to my TBR list cuz I definitely want to know what happens next.

This book has been an amazing follow up to the first book and a beginning of love for books by Elizabeth Lowell whom I have just discovered! If you enjoy a good tear jerker, angsty and sweet in equal parts, then this is the book for you, as it had been the book I have been looking for.The plot is simple and not original, but well used.Duncon, our Hero is struck by lightening and forgets who he is. Mysteriously, he's stripped of all of his possessions and left beneath a rowen tree in the sacred circle of stones only a Learned can enter. Save for the amber pendent around his neck, there is nothing on him to identify him.The story starts right off from the first page. Erik, the young lord of the disputed land, brings the unconscious stranger to Amber the Untouched. Untouched because it gives her great pain to touch another, that touch allows her to feel what they feel, see what their mind sees. A gift, but above all a curse.Until she meets Duncon. Touching him is pleasure. And she is determined to protect him until he regains consciousness.But we know Duncon from the previous book. He is not a friend, but a foe. "Soul Mate and Enemy in One." Can they find happiness when odds are against them, when Amber is forced again and again to keep what she suspects from Duncon?I thoroughly enjoyed this book! The angst was SO ENTENSE! My only compliant is something I'm beginning to adjust to. There is too short an epilogue. (Like the previous book).But since there was quite a few tender scenes between Meg and Dominic (the H and h from book 1), I'm looking forward to sating my need for the perfect happy ending in the next book.

Amber the untouched and The Scott's Hammer what the hell!Again what can I say I love your work and they way you make my reads a gruelling progress I love Duncan of Maxwell he is sooooooo dreamy.The romance is so lovely and slow almost the way a lady should be ravished hahaha! I love the mystery of the Rowan trees in full bloom it truly does make one wonder hahaha.I so wanted to lay the smack down on The Scott's hammer towards the end when he hurt Amber the way he did, when men get like that they need a good 1...2.... to their pert noses lol.He made me cry when he acted like a real ASS hahahaI hated how Lady Areie was left to feel unwanted but I always knew how it would play out hahaha but still I can't help but hurt for the woman.I love these books they make me swoon lol keep up the great work EL just AMAZINGBALLS you rock
—Read'nwrit'n Wench

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