Ugh, what a dick. A good little snippet to the series (I'm, of course, reading them out of order). I got this as a freebie on Amazon, and if I had paid the... I think it was $3.00 price tag, I would have felt a little short changed. It was quick, less than 50 pages (maybe?), and really didn't give me more than what I already knew from reading the series. Usually when you have snippets like this, it's from a different POV or something, but I felt like this story, while great for a fan of the series like me, didn't really add much. Very Good Jill! You got me :)Right from the get go I identified with Jacqueline as she was passed for promotion for a firmer, younger, not as educated young lady. (as I recently went through this same thing at work)Later at the club – after the eighth martini she leaves to wonder into an alley and meet a tall dark vampire. He bits her after he seems to recognize her. Hmm is that a reincarnation maybe? Oh and he continues to call her Princess? [thinking]page 16 – he says;“You remind me of someone…“I’m afraid that’s going to be your undoing.”“I hope you’ll forgive me someday.”then he says “All part of the plan, Princess”as he takes her to a man at another club.. so this seems planned … doesn’t it?I believe that is Jill’s reason for this prequel … so we know that Zane had a motive from the beginning. He set Noah up .. as he was fulfilling his curse.Wow did they have awesome… mind blowing sex. :DNext morning she goes back to the vampire as he compelled her to and he then finishes her. When he bites her again draining her.. he says.. “Fate has brought you back to me.”“he then kisses her cheek as he places her in dumpster.
What do You think about Foreplay (2010)?
I still don't know if I like Zane. He killed her and dumped her body in a dumpster!!
Awsome short story. Makes me want to get turned too.
short and unsatisfying..even for a e-book prequel