Both animals were unshod, Ian having that done several days before departing. He had been traveling for some three weeks now and had made it to the land of the Seneca, having never seen a single soul since leaving the farmlands just west of Boston. The trip west through the Mohawk River valley was as picturesque as he remembered. If the Mohawks had seen him, they never got close enough for him to know it. He came to the last small ridge that separated him from the Seneca village and paused there to give the villagers time to know that someone approached. His vampire hearing made him aware of stealthy footfalls all about him so he lifted his voice and said “Do my brothers the Seneca hide from me?” “I hear the sound of one who I know” said a voice from the forest. “It is the voice of Ian, the Night Stalker.” Stepping into view was none other than Tall Elk, a smile splitting his face. Ian kicked back both feet at once in an eye-blurring motion as he leaned forward, resulting in him instantly being in a handstand on his horse’s back and then bending at the waist, he gracefully dropped to the ground beside the horse like a cat, a dazzling smile on his face.
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