Forget Me Not (Love In The Fleet) - Plot & Excerpts
he asked again. “Yes, it was amazing.” She turned back to see the setting sun glinting off his red-gold stubble. Probably hadn’t shaved since Friday morning. She couldn’t believe he’d shown up for church like that. Yet he didn’t look scruffy, more sexy as all get out. She’d sat through church with him that close to her, smelling his fresh, clean, right-out-of-the-shower-soap-and-water scent. She was afraid to turn her head to breathe him in, fearing she wouldn’t be able to tear herself away. All the time fully aware of the looks she received from the women in the congregation. Some gave her a secret little smile as if to say, “You, go, girl.” They all probably wondered what in the world was going on with Daisy Schneider? She didn’t know, but whatever it was, she wanted more of it, even though it scared the tar out of her. “But we have to eat now.” Daisy bit into her sandwich. “So tell me about your trip.” “There’s nothing to tell.”
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