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Read Forstaken


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Evernight Publishing

Forstaken - Plot & Excerpts

He slid off the bed and crept toward the far wall. Disoriented and sporting a huge hard-on from his memory-filled dream of the first time he’d made love with Nadia.
But the sound had put him on immediate alert. Somehow, he instinctually knew it wasn’t a friendly visitor, and with the darkness of the room acting as his cover he crept out the bedroom door and down the hallway in only a few graceful strides.
Not a sound.
Not a motion.
Complete stealth mode.
Having an ancient goddess as your mother had its benefits. For one, he had a knack for moving through space as if floating. It was one of his special abilities.
Now, it came in handy as he waited for the intruder to come within arm’s reach. A few moments later, his wish came true.
“Nice try, fish-boy.” The southern drawl hissed in his ear as he was suddenly pinned against the wall.
He knew the source of the voice immediately.
“What do you want? Where’s Nadia?” The questions fired from between his gritted teeth were followed by a reverse head butt into the face of his intruder, and then Byron slid from his captor’s grasp a moment later.

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