He rains insults on the man who jilted her. ~ what if Frederic happens on the castle, and is invited to dinner to meet Lord Plum’s fiancée: Flora! Count Frederic was appalled to find that the lovely, modest, artless, bashful, yet warm-hearted girl he jilted at the altar has become a young woman of fashion, resplendent in jewels and displaying an Artful Fastidiousness in attiring herself. ~ Pale face now too thin for true beauty. Two days later Charlie was proving to be a fine equestrian. He had a tendency to favor his weak leg, which affected the direction in which his horse turned, but in time he’d get over that. More importantly, he loved everything about horses, and he especially loved Jafeer. And Jafeer seemed to be cautiously affectionate in return; Vander had the idea that his new stallion considered the boy to be Mia’s colt. Anything the duchess liked, Jafeer liked. At the moment Vander was standing on the side of the yard, watching Charlie go around on his wife’s palfrey, Lancelot.
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