(Puede tener ligeros spoilers de la primera parte) La historia me ha encantado, si bien quizá se quede en un 3'5 porque su primera parte me enamoró, esta tiene un toque especial de cara a la navidad. El personaje de Austin me ha defraudado un poquito, pero por otra parte adoro a Darny, con sus m...
This charming novel is part pursue-your-passion, part romance, and does both well. Set in present day London. Issy is found to be redundant (British for laid off) at her job and takes her severance pay to invest in a very chancy cupcake-and-tea (or coffee or other beverage) café in a dodgy locati...
I feel bad, because I really wanted to like this book more than I actually did. It just screams "Look at how fluffy and cute I am!" But try as I might, this one just felt repetitive to me...if Issy isn't complaining about her on-again-off-again boyfriend Graeme, she's just plotting and planning a...