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Read Series: Austen Addicts

by Author Victoria Connelly


Christmas with Mr Darcy (2012)

I’m going to tell on myself. I’m a sniveling, sentimental sucker for a good Christmas story. It is only October and I’ve only devoured two of them so I’m way behind my normal seasonal curve. Thank heavens for Author Victoria Connelly, who sensing a good thing, has smartly thrown together ALL o...

Christmas with Mr Darcy (2012) by Victoria Connelly

Etsin sinua, Mr. Darcy (2013)

Only reason why I read this because a) I craved for some happy end romantic novel b)I love Jane Austen. Had a month ago read Longbourn and yerned for more Austen like books.I drank tea, ate cake and read this sugarcoated story. It was easy to read, no cloud in the sky, no brain activity. Just mun...

Etsin sinua, Mr. Darcy (2013) by Victoria Connelly

The Perfect Hero (2011)

Ce second tome m'a beaucoup plu même si l'histoire est plutôt basique : l'héroïne, Kay, hérite d'une petite somme qu'elle investit dans un B&B à Lyme ( lieu emblématique de Persuasion), coup de chance : une adaptation du roman est justement tournée à Lyme au moment où elle termine ses plus gros t...

The Perfect Hero (2011) by Victoria Connelly