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Read The Perfect Hero (2011)

The Perfect Hero (2011)

Online Book

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1847562264 (ISBN13: 9781847562265)

The Perfect Hero (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

Ce second tome m'a beaucoup plu même si l'histoire est plutôt basique : l'héroïne, Kay, hérite d'une petite somme qu'elle investit dans un B&B à Lyme ( lieu emblématique de Persuasion), coup de chance : une adaptation du roman est justement tournée à Lyme au moment où elle termine ses plus gros travaux et elle se retrouve à héberger une partie des acteurs du film, notamment le très beau Oli... Comme vous vous en doutez, Oli est plus un Wickham (qui se repent...) qu'un Darcy, quand bien même il joue le rôle du Capitaine Wentworth... Non, le vrai héros c'est Adam, le scénariste (passionné de Jane Austen, un bon point pour lui) mais Kay fait son "Emma" et décide de le "marier" avec Gemma, l'actrice timide et simple qui a décroché le rôle d'Anne Elliott... Une fois que je vous ai dit ça, je pense que je vous ai raconté toute l'histoire, mais ce n'est pas un spoiler attendu que toute fan de Jane Austen qui se respecte comprendra dès le premier tiers du roman où l'auteure veut en venir. Néanmoins, j'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à lire ce roman, surtout parce qu'il reprend avec intelligence et légèreté les ficelles des romans de Jane. Le personnage de Kay est délicieux mais j'avoue que celle qui m'a le plus intéressée est Gemma. La jeune femme est touchante, et j'aime son côté "dans l'ombre de maman" (laquelle est juste imbuvable !). Les travers des acteurs (et leur égo démesuré) sont un des points forts de cette histoire et ajoute du piquant. C'est très divertissant à suivre et facile à lire en VO !Ce que j'aime : le personnage de Gemma, la réinvention de l'histoire d'Emma, l'histoire d'OliCe que j'aime moins : l'histoire est sans surprise et les personnages tombent un peu trop facilement amoureux à mon gout (mais ça correspond aux codes de la romance)En bref : Une romance légère et amusante qui ne surprendra pas son lectorat mais réussit le pari de transporter son lectorat dans une aventure moderne "à la Jane Austen"Ma note 7,5/10 Rating: 2/5 starsFirst, I have to say that I would have rated this book higher if it wasn't for the last 100 pages or so. Connelly's book was rather entertaining at the beginning. A new Bed and Breakfast owner, Kay, who is a lover of Jane Austen's work finds her B&B full with actors for the newest adaption of Persuasion. This book also had a similar story line to Love Unscripted by Tina Reber in that an average woman found herself in a relationship with an actor.Well, almost similar.Kay never did have a relationship with Oli, the handsome and charming actor to play Captain Wentworth. She had a one night stand that ended up breaking her heart because she was a bit naive. She never noticed that Adam, the producer, had feelings for her. Instead, she thought Adam had feelings for Gemma, the actress playing Anne Elliot. In a nutshell, a web of love. I guess I should stop comparing books to Love Unscripted, which was just magnificent for me. But even if I hadn't, the last 100 pages was rather disappointing.It was clear Kay's love for Oli was outrageous. She was in love with the fantasy of Captain Wentworth, the fantasy of the actor, not Oli himself. Oli didn't really care for in the first place. Instead, he was still in love with Teresa, the director. By the way, I had a feeling that was the case and that the daughter was his. Anywho, Oli breaks her heart and Gemma and Adam reveal that they never liked each other more than friends. In a matter of hours, Kay finds herself in love with Adam. How? How does that happen?And Gemma falling for Rob, that was out of the blue. They had less than five conversations, but somehow he has become an important figure in her life, even though she had previously said she thought it was wrong for a woman to think she had to have a man to be happy.Adam's love for Kay was disturbing too. Really, everyone was falling in love so quickly that it was just...disturbing! I cannot imagine falling in love with someone in less than a month. And in Kay's situation, she went from loving one man to the next in hours.So, this book got a bit of a low rating from me. One last thing before I end my review. The title. Kay is never really dreaming of Darcy but Captain Wentworth. The whole story revolves around Persuasion, not Pride and Prejudice. I think the title was wrongly chosen. It's more of a:Dreaming of Captain Wentworth and Not Realizing My Modern-Day Darcy Lives Down the Road.Reading Dates: June 29-July 2, 2014

What do You think about The Perfect Hero (2011)?

The actors, film company setting was, I guess, meant to be exciting but it just seemed superficial.

It kind of read like a free kindle book. The editing was ok but the story was lame.

Such a cute book!


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