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Read Series: Chrestomanci

by Author Diana Wynne Jones


The Pinhoe Egg (2006)

Diana Wynne Jones does so much with The Pinhoe Egg and makes it look so simple and easy. I think that must be her special gift as a writer: exploring dark themes and complex messages within the pages of children's fantasy novels that remain bright and fun despite the darkness and disorder lurkin...

The Pinhoe Egg (2006) by Diana Wynne Jones

Charmed Life (2015)

Well, I read book one of the Chrestomanci Chronicles: Charmed Life, written by Diana Wynne Jones. I was excited for this book as I’m excited to read the other books that she has on this list (Howl’s Moving Castle), and after reading this one I can say that I still am. This book is written well ...

Charmed Life (2015) by Diana Wynne Jones

The Magicians of Caprona (2001)

Suasana di Caprona sedang mencekam dan terancam perang. Padahal sebelumnya, kota yang dilindungi oleh Malaikat Caprona, yang dibantu oleh dua klan penyihir terbesar di Caprona ini, Casa Montana dan Casa Petrocchi, berada dalam kedamaian.Tampaknya ada sebuah kekuatan dari luar yang berusaha untuk ...

The Magicians of Caprona (2001) by Diana Wynne Jones

Witch Week (2001)

Eu acredito que li quando era mais nova um ou outro volume da série Crestomanci, mas confesso que não lembro de nada. Sei que o conheci à mesma época em que estava folheando meus primeiros Pratchett na Nobel, e que um pouco depois disso descobri o brilhante O Castelo Animado, que é da mesma autor...

Witch Week (2001) by Diana Wynne Jones

Mixed Magics: Four Tales of Chrestomanci (2003)

Publishers and booksellers think they know their market when it comes to the fantasy novels of Diana Wynne Jones and her ilk: young readers aged 9 to 12 or, at a pinch, young adult or teens for her more ‘difficult’ novels. This despite the fact that her fans range upwards in age to other adult fa...

Mixed Magics: Four Tales of Chrestomanci (2003) by Diana Wynne Jones

The Lives of Christopher Chant (1998)

Eu acredito que li quando era mais nova um ou outro volume da série Crestomanci, mas confesso que não lembro de nada. Sei que o conheci à mesma época em que estava folheando meus primeiros Pratchett na Nobel, e que um pouco depois disso descobri o brilhante O Castelo Animado, que é da mesma autor...

The Lives of Christopher Chant (1998) by Diana Wynne Jones

Conrad's Fate (2006)

kids have to beware of a lot of things, sometimes their own families most of all. that seems to be an underlying theme to several of the books in Diana Wynne Jones' splendid series of standalone fantasy novels for children. families are dangerous. they will let you down, they will break your hear...

Conrad's Fate (2006) by Diana Wynne Jones