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Read The Magicians Of Caprona (2001)

The Magicians of Caprona (2001)

Online Book

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0060298782 (ISBN13: 9780060298784)
greenwillow books

The Magicians Of Caprona (2001) - Plot & Excerpts

Suasana di Caprona sedang mencekam dan terancam perang. Padahal sebelumnya, kota yang dilindungi oleh Malaikat Caprona, yang dibantu oleh dua klan penyihir terbesar di Caprona ini, Casa Montana dan Casa Petrocchi, berada dalam kedamaian.Tampaknya ada sebuah kekuatan dari luar yang berusaha untuk menguasai Caprona. Bukan kekuatan biasa. Karena ini di dunia Chrestomanci, pasti ada campur tangan penyihir di dalamnya. Soalnya, mantra yang dibuat oleh Casa Montana dan Casa Petrocchi mulai meluntur. Jadi, pasti ada enchanter yang sangat kuat yang berusaha untuk mengobrak-abrik Caprona.Sebelumnya, mari kita berkenalan dengan Casa Montana dan Casa Petrocchi. Dua keluarga ini telah ada sejak 700 tahun yang lalu, dan membantu Duke pertama Caprona untuk membangun kota ini. Dari dua keluarga inilah lahir sihir-sihir terbaik di dunia. Dan kau akan sangat beruntung jika mendapatkan mantra dari kedua rumah ini.Sayangnya, dua keluarga ini bermusuhan. Penyebabnya terjadi sekitar dua abad yang lalu, ketika Ricardo Petrocchi mengirimkan surat makian pada Francesco Montana, karena ia merasa bahwa Duke Caprona memesan sihir lebih banyak dari Casa Montana.Francesco marah besar menerima surat dari Ricardo. Anehnya, ia justru mengundang seluruh keluarga Petrocchi untuk berpesta di rumahnya. Tapi jangan salah! Francesco bukanlah seorang pemaaf. Dia justru ingin memberi pembalasan pada keluarga Petrocchi.Francesco menggunakan sihir terbaik dan terkuatnya untuk mengubah surat makian itu menjadi santapan lezat. Keluarga Petrocchi yang tak tahu menahu pun menyantap makanan itu dengan lahapnya. Dan... tentu saja mereka marah besar setelahnya. Karena tak ada hal yang lebih menyakitkan bagi seseorang selain disuruh menelan sendiri kata-katanya. Sejak itu, kedua keluarga pun bermusuhan. Oh iya, itu jugalah yang menjadi asal mula spaghetti di tanah Italiano ini.Nah, sekarang mari kita berkenalan dengan Tonino Montana. Dia adalah anak lelaki dari Antonio dan Elizabeth Montana. Tonino tahu tentang perseteruan dua keluarga ini, karena ia mendengarkan kisahnya melalui kakaknya. Kisah ini memang diceritakan secara turun temurun, dan semakin lama kisahnya menjadi semakin fantastis bahkan sulit untuk dipercaya.Sama seperti anggota keluarga yang lain, Tonino sih seharusnya seorang penyihir. Tapi sayang, meskipun sudah bersekolah ia belum bisa menyihir. Nggak seperti kakaknya, Paolo, yang hanya terpaut setahun dengannya. Tinggal di keluarga penyihir tapi nggak bisa menyihir itu benar-benar menyedihkan. Apalagi saat ini Caprona sedang dalam suasana genting. Mantra-mantra yang dibuat dua keluarga mulai melemah. Penyebabnya ada dua. Pertama, mereka sudah tidak ingat lagi mantra asli yang diberikan langsung oleh Malaikat Caprona dari surga. Dan yang kedua, ada enchanter musuh yang menyelinap di Caprona (bahkan mungkin bekerja sama dengan keluarga Petrocchi) dan berusaha untuk menguasai kota itu.Untungnya, Tonino diselamatkan oleh Benvenuto, yang angkuh, liar, dan tak pernah dekat dengan siapapun. Benvenuto ini sangat hebat. Siapapun yang mampu berkomunikasi dengan Benvenuto jelas bukan orang biasa. Dan... hanya Tonino-lah yang mampu berkomunikasi dengan kucing jantan keluarga Montana ini.Yap, kucing jantan.Eits! Tapi jangan meremehkan kucing ya. Kucing itu binatang yang sangat berarti bagi penyihir. Mereka tahu banyak hal dan mereka juga mampu memperkuat mantra yang diucapkan oleh penyihir. Jadi, kemampuan Tonino untuk bicara dengan Benvenuto itu sangatlah luar biasa. Di Caprona, mantra-mantra itu harus dinyanyikan. Bukan hanya dengan kata-kata yang tepat, tapi juga dengan nada yang tepat. Kalau kau salah menyanyikan nadanya, maka bisa saja kau justru membuat ayahmu menjadi hijau, seperti yang dilakukan oleh Angelica Petrocchi. Jadi, kalau kau melihat ada dua orang lelaki sedang beradu menyanyi di tengah Piazza, jangan malah menontonnya karena menganggapnya sebagai sebuah pertunjukkan yang menarik. Karena kemungkinan besar, orang yang kau lihat itu adalah seorang Montana dan Petrocchi yang sedang berduel. Lebih baik menjauh, karena bisa jadi setelah itu ada hujan kotoran sapi yang turun mengenaimu.Apalagi kalau kau melihat seluruh anggota keluarga Montana dan Petrocchi berkumpul di Piazza seperti sekarang ini. Mending cepet-cepet ngumpet deh. Soalnya perang dunia ketiga pasti akan pecah sebentar lagi. Tapi, apa yang menyebabkan mereka berdua sangat marahh??Ternyata, Tonino Montana dan Angelica Petrocchi menghilang!! Casa Montana menuduh Petrocchi-lah yang menculiknya. Dan Casa Petrocchi mengira Montana-lah yang menculik gadis cilik mereka!Siapapun yang berada di balik peristiwa ini, mereka pastilah sangat sangat jahat, karena telah menculik dua anak kecil dari dua keluarga yang bermusuhan. Apalagi, suasana sedang genting karena perang akan segera pecah. Ditambah lagi, Tonino dan Angelica itu payah dalam merapal mantra. Jadi, kemungkinan mereka untuk kabur itu cukup kecil.Jadi, siapakah orang yang menculik Tonino dan Angelica? Apakah dia orang yang sama dengan yang merusak mantra kedua keluarga? Apa tujuannya? Benarkah dia seorang enchanter yang disewa oleh tiga kota yang berbatasan oleh Caprona dan ingin menguasai kota itu? Lalu, bagaimana nasib Rosa, kakak perempuan Tonino yang akan menikah dengan pria misterius bernama Marco? Siapa Marco sebenarnya?Seri kedua "Dunia-dunia Chrestomanci" ini lebih seru dari yang pertama, "Eric Chant dan Korek Api Bertuah". Saya berusaha membayangkan bagaimana ketika kedua keluarga itu bertarung dengan nyanyi-nyanyian. Soalnya yang ada di bayangan saya tentang penyihir itu kan di Harry Potter. Dan mereka nggak merapalkan mantra dengan menyanyi, tapi diucapkan dengan lantang xDSelain itu, di buku kedua ini tokohnya unik-unik. Bikin saya jatuh cinta sama mereka. Tapi yang terutama sih, jelas dong. Saya cinta mati sama Benvenuto. Meoongg~ xDSetelahnya, baru deh sama Tonino, lalu Paolo, kemudian Rosa. Dan di akhir-akhir saya pun jadi suka juga sama Marco. Kejadian ketika Tonino dan Angelica diculik juga sangat menegangkan dan seru.. >v<Nah, sekarang mari kita lanjut ke seri Chrestomanci berikutnya... ^^

This book is set in the same world as Charmed Life and The Lives of Christopher Chant, except instead of taking place in a magical version of England, it's in a magical version of Italy. Caprona, where the action takes place, is known for the quality of the magic spells it produces and sells. The best spells from Caprona come from two eminent families, Casa Montana and Casa Petrocchi: the two houses are equally talented at magic and equally full of antipathy towards one another: they've been feuding for two hundred years. The story centers mostly on Tonino, the youngest Montana boy, who is slow at learning spells/doesn't think of himself as very magically talented, though he does effortlessly communicate with cats. He's not too fond of school, either, though he does love to read: amusingly, he is a fan of "fantasy," which, in a magical world, consists of books where the protagonists have "wild adventures with no magic to help or hinder them" (28). Meanwhile, all is not well in Caprona: the Old Bridge, which is protected partly by magic, has been damaged by winter floods, and the Duke of Caprona (in this world, Italy isn't unified) fears that the neighboring areas of Florence, Pisa, and Siena, which have united against Caprona, are paying an enchanter to harm the town. The Montanas and Petrocchis have to work together to mend the bridge, and the Duke also tasks them with finding the true words to the town's anthem, the Angel of Caprona, which is said to have been delivered by a divine messenger to save the town from an enemy in a troubled time in its past, and should therefore help the situation now, too.In the midst of all this, Tonino gets an unexpected package, which turns out to be a book, which he reads cover to cover as soon as he has the chance. (He keeps getting interrupted just when he's about to start, and there's a great moment when he starts "to think he would die of book-frustration," which made me giggle. (81)) But the day he finishes the book, he goes missing, and it becomes clear that the book has something to do with his disappearance. His family thinks the Petrocchis have kidnapped him, but at the same time, Angelica, the youngest Petrocchi daughter, has gone missing as well. There's a great magical fight between the two families, complete with a duel between Tonino's father and Angelica's father; meanwhile, elsewhere, Angelica and Tonino find themselves trapped together, and have to get past their distrust of one another and use their wits and their magic (though Angelica has trouble with spells, too—hers always turn out differently than she intended them to) to escape, with some help from sources both expected and not.I felt like this book got off to a slow start, particularly because it felt like there wasn't enough magic in the beginning, but once the plot picked up I was totally delighted by it. I like Tonino lots, and his siblings and cousins and aunts, and their bustling household. The magic in this book centers around spells that are sung—the words and the tune both have to be right—and I loved how vivid the description of the fight between the two families was, with the family members of each house making music together to make things rain from the sky, or to protect themselves from the other family's spells.

What do You think about The Magicians Of Caprona (2001)?

Maybe I've just been marathoning them in the car for too long, but by the fifth Chrestomanci book I've listened to, the formula has worn thin and the charm worn off. While it's great that Wynne Jones manages to effectively drive her plot through realistic kid emotions and goals, she too often uses their whims to create conflict they can't handle and simply invokes Chrestomanci to resolve it all in a whirlwind of loose-end tying-up and pat delivery of just deserts. I quit Magicians 3/4s of the way through, and everything in the ending had already been heavily foreshadowed - I don't feel like I missed much at this point.That said, Wynne Jones is still a charming, talented writer and it's an enjoyable thing to read. I'd probably have gotten more out of it if I hadn't been so tired of them when I got to it.

I don't know if I just wasn't in a good place to listen to this one, or if I just wasn't that interested, as I honestly haven't much of a clue as to what happened in this book now that I've finished listening to it. The narration was well done as usual, but I just don't remember a lot actually happening other than being told that one group of Italians hate another group of Italians over and over and over again.And Crestomanci didn't show up until the end. I like Crestomanci. So him not really being around was bothersome, and the abundance of famous Italian names, Mario Andretti for example (who did in fact have a fast car!) was not clever but instead just felt lazy. Ehh that might be a bit harsh. It wasn't that bad.Had I read this as the second Crestomanci book, which some claim it's the second in the series... (and some don't) I probably wouldn't have continued with the series. Though, I did much prefer this one to Witch Week which I though was abysmal.

I’ve been having this book in my shelf for quite some time. I picked it up on a flea market and have not really come along to read it. To be honest, the boring cover kept me away from it. (But lately I been reading books with beautiful covers but nothing of importance inside, so I thought I should be less judgemental) AND, since I love Ghibli Studios “The moving castle” and I knew it was based on a book by Jones I really wanted to give it a chance. The other reason that kept me away from it, was the fact that this is the fourth book – and I had not read the others. Well, hear, hear – this book is a gem. Written long before Rowling started to think about Harry Potter, it’s a book about wizards and magic. The scenery is Italy, the time – well, it could be anything. In the small town of Caprona the two wizard families, Petrocchi and Montana are bitterly fighting each other. War is lurking around the corner, threatening to ruin everything.I give this book four stars, because of its humor, its fantasy and the way the author describes the cats, who play an important part of the book.I never really get close to any of the characters in the book – and they are quite a few.
—Stella Johansson

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