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Read Series: Dakota Plains

by Author Lauraine Snelling


Dakota Dream (1993)

Leaving Norway for good Clara carries with her little more than dreams. Armed with a water-stained letter, a faded photograph, and a ticket to America, Clara Johnson travels to Soldall, North Dakota, and her handsome, curly haired husband-to-be. Imagine Clara's surprise when she is greeted instea...

Dakota Dream (1993) by Lauraine Snelling

Dakota Dusk (1994)

Book 3 in The Dakota Plains Series The wide-open plains of the Dakota Territory formed the setting for the lives and loves of many inspiring women making their way in the New World. Rebekka Stenesrude has poured her life into her students, only to see her beloved school burned to the ground. Jude...

Dakota Dusk (1994) by Lauraine Snelling

Dakota Dawn (1994)

I really enjoyed this Christian historical romance. It takes place in 1910. Nora has received money from her fiancee to come to America from Norway. However, when she arrives in a small North Dakota town, things don't work out as anticipated. She knows she needs to find a job so she can save for ...

Dakota Dawn (1994) by Lauraine Snelling