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Read Series: Daughters Of Lancaster County

by Author Wanda E. Brunstetter


The Quilter's Daughter (2006)

Abby Miller leaves her successful quilt shop and patient fiance in Ohio to help her newly remarried and now pregnant mother in Lancaster County. While she's away, Abby's world is shattered in one fell swoop. How can God make anything good come out of this tragedy? With shaken faith, Abby is force...

The Quilter's Daughter (2006) by Wanda E. Brunstetter

The Storekeeper's Daughter (2005)

Time seems to stand still in Naomi Fisher's tranquil community, but it cannot hold back tragedy. Helping her widowed father run a store, manage a household, and raise seven children is a daunting task. There is no time to think about courtship or having her own family, though her heart yearns for...

The Storekeeper's Daughter (2005) by Wanda E. Brunstetter

The Bishop's Daughter (2006)

The third in the "Daughters of Lancaster County" and I was pleased to meet again Abraham, Naomi and Abby, with the key characters here their close friend's family of Jacob, Grace and Leona Weaver. The other strand of the book brought up to date the situation of Jimmy Scott, which I had found frus...

The Bishop's Daughter (2006) by Wanda E. Brunstetter