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Read Series: Dengeki Daisy

by Author Kyousuke Motomi


Electric Daisy vol. 7 (2011)

Akira, nama yang sempat muncul sebentar secara sembunyi-sembunyi di volume sebelumnya, sekarang menunjukkan aksinya dengan lebih jelas. Penggambaran lebih menyeramkan dibandingkan antagonis yang lain, padahal sebelumnya dikira mirip dengan kakaknya Teru.Walaupun serem, tetep aja keren :D Aksi di ...

Electric Daisy vol. 7 (2011) by Kyousuke Motomi

Dengeki Daisy, Vol. 07 (2011)

For my inner rereader:- Akira (the guy who looks like her brother) kisses Teru. FIRST KISS BY PSYCHOPATH, yay! - Teru tells Daisy who then writes that he wished he could kiss her so that this guy's kiss would be forgotten. Eek! :D He then says it's a joke, though. Sure, Daisy. Sure.- More memorie...

Dengeki Daisy, Vol. 07 (2011) by Kyousuke Motomi

Dengeki Daisy 03 (2008)

In this volume Teru buys Kurosaki a gift. At first she doesn't know what to get him, but with the help of her friends she decides in a music box. Teru moves next door to Kurosaki and won't admit it to her, but he is slowly falling in love with her and misses her living there. But like this BIG s...

Dengeki Daisy 03 (2008) by Kyousuke Motomi

Dengeki Daisy 02 (2011)

A great shojo series. The perfect amount of 'heart fluttery' moments between Teru and Kurosaki (aka Daisy) to make this shojo fan happy. I also love how the story is slowly allowing for Teru to create a new "family" around herself (since she was left alone after her older brother died), and I ado...

Dengeki Daisy 02 (2011) by Kyousuke Motomi

Dengeki Daisy, Vol. 02 (2010)

Még mindig imádom!Letehetetlen,vicces és néhol szomorú.Kurosaki-Daisy gazdagodott megint egy névvel. Azt se tudom, hogy melyiket használjam.Felbukkan Riko, aki ismeri Daisy-t, és kiderül, hogy Teru bátyjának a barátnője volt. Még több titok, kevesebb megoldás.Teru megint bajba keveredik, de jön a...

Dengeki Daisy, Vol. 02 (2010) by Kyousuke Motomi

Dengeki Daisy, Vol. 1 (2011)

I like this. I mean, yes they like each other, but no, it's not completely focussed on them. I like that Teru has her own personality and problems and is not completely focussed or obsessed with Kurosaki/DAISY. I also like that it is the same with Kurosaki/DAISY. I would definitely keep readi...

Dengeki Daisy, Vol. 1 (2011) by Kyousuke Motomi

Dengeki Daisy 01 (2010)

Már régóta szemezek ezzel a mangával, de tegnap szántam el magam, hogy elolvasom. És milyen jól tettem! Egyszerűen imádom! Az alaptörténet nagyon jó, a karakterek még jobbak, humoros, rejtélyes, szóval minden benne van ami kell.Teru-t nagyon megkedveltem. Imádom, amikor mindig azzal jön, hogy ő s...

Dengeki Daisy 01 (2010) by Kyousuke Motomi

Dengeki Daisy, Tome 1 (2010)

I love everything about this manga. The way it's drawn and the way it's written. And I looove Kurosaki so much(^^) although I love Teru as well. I love her because she isn't like all those typical shoujo girls who act just like they wouldn't have brains at all. They are always like aah ooh and hu...

Dengeki Daisy, Tome 1 (2010) by Kyousuke Motomi

Dengeki Daisy, Vol. 01 (2010)

I am like in love with this series already! It was obviously who "Daisy" was from the beginning but there is still so much shadowy area as to why he wants to keep his identity a secret from Teru. But I live the way he loves her, Kurosaki would obviously do anything to keep her safe. And I liked h...

Dengeki Daisy, Vol. 01 (2010) by Kyousuke Motomi

Dengeki Daisy, Vol. 08 (2012)

I had to drop this a stay because there is just SO MUCH information in this one. We finally get a lot of the answers - when some of the questions themselves weren't always clear. We see the past through the eyes of everyone who loves Kurasaki. We see the aftermath of him leaving...we see everythi...

Dengeki Daisy, Vol. 08 (2012) by Kyousuke Motomi

Dengeki Daisy 09 (2012)

In SummaryThe story builds to a climax with Teru doing all in her power to reunite with Kurosaki. Romantics should be pleased once everything comes to a head, but so much gets resolved that the series feels as if it should conclude here instead of continuing with another volume.The ReviewThis vol...

Dengeki Daisy 09 (2012) by Kyousuke Motomi

Dengeki Daisy, Vol. 4 (2009)

I think this was a touching story and I have read volumes 1-11 so far. After things began to talk about Daisy's past and him confronting it I have to say my interest sadly went down dramatically. It made me feel that it was like many manga, anime, book ect. that is dragged out past it's due date....

Dengeki Daisy, Vol. 4 (2009) by Kyousuke Motomi

Dengeki Daisy, Vol. 3 (2008)

If I told my Dad to go bald as much as Teru tells Kurosaki to go bald, he would say,"I'M ALREADY BALD, JOKE'S ON YOU!!!!"Instead of just bluntly taking Teru's words like Kurosaki.SHE SAYS IT SO MUCH."Go bald, Kurosaki!"But why?Is it because she thinks hair is a man's most treasured treasure?Is it...

Dengeki Daisy, Vol. 3 (2008) by Kyousuke Motomi

Dengeki Daisy, Vol. 2 (2009)

The mystery deepens - the school computers are once again hacked, and Teru is called in by the computer club in order to question her about Daisy. But when she arrives, she overhears the club members discussing plans to take her cell phone to get access to Daisy himself. Meanwhile, the school has...

Dengeki Daisy, Vol. 2 (2009) by Kyousuke Motomi

Electric Daisy, Vol. 1 (2009)

Surprisingly not terrible. I was surprised that the identity of Daisy was revealed so early (to the reader, but not to Teru). I expected that to be a mystery that dragged on, even while Daisy's identity became increasingly obvious. Instead, it looks like a lot of the plots will come from Daisy tr...

Electric Daisy, Vol. 1 (2009) by Kyousuke Motomi